Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> 5.3. Public Benefit. This easement is given for public outdoor recreation and education and is <br /> for the substantial and regular use of the general public or the community. This Easement <br /> provides significant public benefit as defined in §1.170A-14(d)(2)(i) of the Regulations. Public <br /> policies and programs that illustrate and support the significant public benefit of this Easement <br /> include: <br /> (a) The 2030 Orange County Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan,which <br /> recommends the development of a master plan for the Orange County segment of the <br /> Statewide Mountains-to-Sea Trail as well as linking to the priorities set forth in the <br /> existing North Carolina State Trails Program; and <br /> (b) The Orange County Board of Commissioners' goal (adopted June 21, 1999) to <br /> identify and coordinate the preservation of the County's most significant natural <br /> areas; and <br /> (c) The Land Use Element of the Orange County Comprehensive Plan(adopted <br /> November 18, 2008)with its goal of"Land uses that are appropriate to on-site <br /> environmental conditions and features, and that protect natural resources, cultural <br /> resources, and community character;" and <br /> (d) The Orange County Lands Legacy Action Plan, which was adopted by the Orange <br /> County Board of Commissioners on December 12, 2017, and which sets an objective <br /> to acquire key parcels needed for a public pedestrian trail and wildlife corridor that <br /> would connect Hillsborough Riverwalk to the Haw River for the planned North <br /> Carolina Mountains-to-Sea Trail; and <br /> (e) N.C.G.S. § 113-34.1 authorizing the Department of Environment and Natural <br /> Resources to develop and maintain the North Carolina Mountains-to-Sea Trail, of <br /> which this easement will be a part. <br /> 5.4. Mineral Interests. No Person has retained a qualified mineral interest in the Trail Area of <br /> a nature that would disqualify the Easement for purposes of§1.170A-14(g)(4) of the <br /> Regulations. <br /> 5.5. Notice Required Under Regulations. To the extent required for compliance with <br /> §1.170A-13(g)(4)(ii) of the Regulations, Grantors agree to notify Grantee before exercising any <br /> reserved right that may have an adverse impact on the conservation interests or public <br /> recreational purposes associated with the Trail Area. <br /> 5.6. Trail Area Right. In accordance with §1.170A-14(g)(6) of the Regulations, the <br /> undersigned Grantors agree that the Easement granted under this agreement gives rise to a <br /> property right, immediately vested in the Grantee, that entitles the Grantee to compensation upon <br /> extinguishment of the easement. The fair market value of the property right is to be determined <br /> in accordance with the Regulations; i.e., it is at least equal to the proportionate value that this <br /> easement as of the Easement Date bears to the value of the Property as a whole as of the <br /> Easement Date. Grantee must use any funds received by application of this provision in a manner <br /> consistent with the recreational and conservation purposes of this Easement. <br /> 5.7. Qualification Under �2031(C) of the Code. To the extent required to qualify for <br /> exemption from federal estate tax under §2031(c) of the Code, and only to the extent such <br /> -7- <br />