Orange County NC Website
4. Chairperson <br />The chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Board and shall represent the <br />Board in approved activities on its behalf. <br />5. Vice-Chairperson <br />Irr the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson shall perform the duties <br />of the Chairperson. <br />6. Secretarv <br />The Director of the Department on Aging or' another appointee of the ~Sl~ <br />County Manager as Secretary shall: <br />(a) record and keep a file of the minutes of the board meetings, <br />(b) see that all notices of meetings are duly given and, <br />(c) in general perform all duties incident to the office of secretary, <br />ARTICLE VI -COMMITTEES <br />The Board may designate one or more Committees as it shall determine, Persons other <br />than Board members may be nanled to committees, but they may not serve as <br />chairperson, <br />ARTICLE VII -RULES OF ORDER <br />At all meetings of the Board and of such committees as maybe established by it, <br />pazliamentazy procedure shall be governed by the latest edition of Roberts Rules of <br />Order, and as modified by the rules of the Board. <br />ARTICLE VIII -AMENDMENTS <br />These by-laws maybe adopted, amended or repealed by the affirmative votes of a <br />majority of the Boazd members in office at any regular or special meeting of the Board, <br />but only if the written notice of such meeting shall have contained a copy or' an accurate <br />summary and explanation of the proposed by-laws amendment, alteration, or repeal as the <br />case maybe. The written notice of the proposed by-law change must be mailed at least 7 <br />days prior to the meeting. Amended by-laws shall then be submitted to the Orange <br />County Board of Commissioners for final approval. <br />