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13 <br /> 1 of zoom, as his internet is unreliable. He said his would like for people to see each other in <br /> 2 person and give their comments to the BOCC personally. <br /> 3 <br /> 4 Slide #13 <br /> 4) The BEAG recommends that the BOCC hold a series of <br /> public meetings and listening sessions to allow public input, <br /> and that the BOGG act in time to allow for a public <br /> referendum in 2022. <br /> 5 <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Slide #14 <br /> THANK YOU <br /> QUESTIONS??? <br /> 8 <br /> 9 Chair Price asked if the BEAG members could be named aloud. <br /> 10 Dr. Hazirjian listed the members, noting that Nicholas Batman had to resign. <br /> 11 Commissioner Fowler thanked the group for its efforts and appreciated the rubric of <br /> 12 criteria. She asked if the group received any information or tutoring before filling out the rubrics <br /> 13 or if answers were based on opinions. She said multiple districts are considered inequitable, <br /> 14 but in that case people can single shot and that way minority groups have a better chance of <br /> 15 being elected. She said most indicated that this system was inequitable, and asked if there was <br /> 16 basis for that. <br /> 17 Judge Bryan clarified that Commissioner Fowler is talking about the decision-making <br /> 18 grid. He said the criteria were discussed as part of a motion by the board that approved it <br /> 19 without any definition of what those criteria meant. He said he did research but since he was <br /> 20 not part of the group and had no understanding of what the proponent of the group meant by <br /> 21 those simply, he created this with staff so there was some way to understand how to use the <br />