Orange County NC Website
<br />~D%® <br />We~~t~ern Surety C~omp~any <br />OFFICIAL BOND <br />XNOw ALL PERSONS BY THESb PRESENTS: Bond No. <br />That we, aoyaa S. Paarsoa <br />of ~111aborouq~ ,North Caroline, as Primdpel, sad wEBTERN SURETY <br />COMPANY, a corporatiaa dulq liasnsad to do bueiaeee in tba State of North Carolina, s. 9uretq, are Held <br />aadtirmlyboundunto crwrQ~gf~nrth ~aroljpa` <br />in the sum of Twenty-8iw Thousand and oo/loo DOLIAR,g (= 25. ooo.oo ), <br />for the payment of which well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and our legal r~reeentatives~joiatly <br />axai wveraltyby Utese pre'oBYitr: ". ~_ --- -- _ <br />Dated this let day of November _, coos , <br />THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION 19 SUCH, That whereas, the said Principal has been <br />^ appointed ®eledadtotheofficeof Reoieter of Deeds <br />for the term. beginning the 7th day of December ._. 2002 .and ending the <br />_ 7th day of December 02 06 <br />NOW THEREFORE, if the said Principal ehaB is ell things faithfully perform the duties of his office end <br />shall unt for all moneys and effects that may coma into hie hands in his official capacity durins <br />the obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect <br />d by the Surety upon the following express conditions, which shall be ooaditioru <br />recovery hereunder: <br />The shall not ba liable for the low of sRy Public moneys or funds resulting from the <br />e~i,dfilftirl ~ eymsnt bq any Sanks or Depodtories in which aqy public moneys or funds have beer <br />may be cancelled bq tbs Surety u to future liability by giving written notice. <br />esrtified mail, addressed to each, the Princpal sad the Obligee at State of North Caroline <br />and thirty (Sll) days aRer tlu mailing of said notices bq certified mail, this bond shell be ceacellad sad null <br />end void as to any liability theroattar arising, the Surety remaining liable. however, subjacE to ell the terms <br />condition of this bond for amq and all acts covered by this bond up bo the date of such csncellation. <br />w' m Principal <br />r,~x-~.~`~,t"'J ~ <br />Witnewto8 ',,~ ,~ wEBTERN SURETY COMPANY <br />By -~~~~°~~?w-~ nt <br />Countersigned _ North Carolina ResideatAgent <br />Apyraved this /3~it day of ~1 , _~. <br />Foam <br />