Agenda 11-16-2021; 8-a - Minutes
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Agenda - 11-16-2021 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda 11-16-2021; 8-a - Minutes
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11/11/2021 4:55:58 PM
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11/11/2021 4:49:08 PM
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Agenda for November 16, 2021 BOCC Meeting
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2 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 Arts Moment— No Arts Moment was available for this meeting. <br /> 3 <br /> 4 2. Public Comments <br /> 5 <br /> 6 a. Matters not on the Printed Agenda <br /> 7 <br /> 8 Delores Bailey said she is the owner of a home located at 203 N. Graham Street in <br /> 9 Chapel Hill; a stone house built in 1942 by the Campbell brothers. She said her family has lived <br /> 10 there since 1975. She said she is speaking tonight due to the taxes on this home. She said the <br /> 11 tax assessor and her staff responded to the distress of families living in Northside, and she is <br /> 12 one of those people. She said she completed an appeal application for her home and <br /> 13 participated in several talks with residents of Northside, and other areas of Orange County, who <br /> 14 were experiencing high tax increases. She said she followed all the appropriate steps, and in <br /> 15 her letter, she requested someone come by her home while she was there so she could walk <br /> 16 through her home and property with them to understand the tax value. She said she did not get <br /> 17 a visit and did not receive notification of anyone having come by her house. She said when her <br /> 18 tax bill came she called the tax office because she knows and followed the process. She said <br /> 19 her concern is that in 2019 her house, which is a 3 bedroom stone house that has not changed <br /> 20 very much in its lifetime, was valued at $192,000. She said when she received the letter from <br /> 21 the county on August 26, her home is now valued at $233,000, which is a 21% increase. She <br /> 22 said she called the tax assessor and was told staff did what they were supposed to do. She said <br /> 23 she told the tax assessor that she did not receive a visit and did not have anyone talk to her. <br /> 24 She said she appreciates the tax assessor's office efforts around the matter, but this process <br /> 25 did not help her and she does not understand why her 1400 square foot house on % of an acre <br /> 26 is valued that high. She said there is something wrong with that. <br /> 27 Chair Price said she is sure staff will follow up with Ms. Bailey about her comments. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 b. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br /> 30 (These matters will be considered when the Board addresses that item on the agenda <br /> 31 below.) <br /> 32 <br /> 33 3. Announcements, Petitions and Comments by Board Members <br /> 34 Commissioner Hamilton said she attended the Eno Arts Mill grand opening on Friday, <br /> 35 October 1St, which was a great time. She said there were lots of people and beautiful art, and <br /> 36 she is looking forward to see how it grows and the county's ability to support local artists and <br /> 37 increase access to the art for residents, especially in the Northern part of the county. She said <br /> 38 on September 29, she attended the board meeting for the Orange County Partnership for Young <br /> 39 Children. She said, just like the school system, preschools are facing shortages of teachers <br /> 40 and struggling to deal with COVID. She said she was surprised to hear the price of <br /> 41 cybersecurity insurance is going up because of more hacking, and some of the funding issues <br /> 42 make it hard for providers to survive. She said all should be aware young children are at risk of <br /> 43 not getting the services they need and the Partnership is doing everything it can to make sure <br /> 44 there is funding and support for providers and children. <br /> 45 Commissioner Hamilton petitioned to have a subcommittee of the Board of County <br /> 46 Commissioners (BOCC) work with staff to establish a temporary workgroup of community <br /> 47 partners to look at how Article 46 Sales Tax money has been spent and determine the county's <br /> 48 priorities moving forward. She said the BOCC agreed, in 2011-2012, to split Article 46 sales tax <br /> 49 proceeds 50-50 between schools and economic development. She said 10 years is up and it is <br /> 50 time to look at how the money is being spent. <br />
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