Orange County NC Website
Finunriul /mPrcC(: <br />Armwal Position Cods Amoral Oneiuve OfSAtlng 2001-02 Net <br />($sleryBwcfite) Opemnng Born Up Raverwe or Po®tloo an3 <br /> Coet Cost Budget Savings Scm Up Cast <br />542 Y16 $4326 $29505 $8,240' $66,507 <br />includce haulers' tiowsing tees and plan/permit mNew Tws. <br />Reiafiorc fP BPmd 4oW(sJ: <br />An adpp[ed Board of Counry Commissioner goal is the reduction otsolid waste landfilled <br />by 45 % pa capita by2001 end GI % pee wpi[a by 2006. <br />