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FINANCIAL IMPACT: The fnancialimpad of atloption of the oMinance bas been previously <br />tletailetl in a report to the County Manager tlated September 5, 2001 and subsequenlly <br />providetl antl tliscussed at the BOCC Wodc Sssaion of October 1, 2001. ToWI facility costs are <br />estimatetl to be approximately $315,000. Total equipment costs are estimatetl tp be <br />approximately $1,000,000, Annual opemtin9 costs, including new personnel costs, are <br />estimated b be about 5315.000. Revenues for fees, surcharges and recyclable mefedaV <br />uea are estimated to be $315,000 annually. Lost tonnage duo [o tliveralon of materials <br />from disposal to recycling is estimatetl to be approximately $305,000. Other savings relafetl to <br />elimination of annual wood waste conVac[ gdnding expenses are estimated to be about <br />$90,000. All costs are to be fundetl by the Solitl W oats enterprise funtl operating revenues or <br />reserves. When fully implementeQ the redaction/tliversion pactices contemplated in this <br />ortlinance ere antlclpatetl fo protluce a monthly reduction of between 600-750 [onalandflletl. <br />Using a general rate of thumb, [he approximate value of the landfill space thereby saved for <br />subsequent use woultl be in the range of $14,500-$16.000 par rtronth. Atltli[ionally, tlepentling <br />on actual reductions achieved in the volumes of waste being tlisposed, implementation of this <br />oMinance will also extentl [he life of a new C&D lantlfll, perhaps by as much as 3.5 years. <br />RECOMMENDATIDN(Sf~ The Manager recommends that the Board adopt the ortlinance as <br />attachetl or with modifications as directed; and appmva the creation of a permanent, full-time <br />Gonstrudion 8 Demoldion EducafionlEnfomement Specialist position, effective immetlie[ely. <br />