Orange County NC Website
COO PSI ra <br />While each of dress opviom world vecesfitaze difGdvg levels C[mforoammS all options oonld <br />be supplemented by m aggressive educational campaign <br />• Theveed for av edutntivnlenforcement play for the "bumfvg portion"of the ortlinance <br />[hat may indutle atr gvaEty usucs relvted to nncavtroded horning and rode redlorange <br />day. Sditl Wes[estaf(shuuld toordwaM with Envirovmen[end Resource <br />Conservation Depmlmmt, ere. <br />Staff behevice that a mmprchmsive and coordinated edwativv and esJorcement pig regmdmg <br />the buming of vegetative wastes could and shaWd ba devalCped, regardless of the ultimate <br />dispoeifion of this issue within Iheproposed oNiname. Solid Wash emffwould rewmmend thar <br />the development and apppcation ofavvh aplm would vwessarEy invdve We Depemnmts Cf <br />Environment aM Resoume Conservation, Emergency Managemm[, Hedtb, and Solid Wasic. <br />The issues swremding buming have solid waste, public hcatdy fire safety, and mairomnmml <br />impiievrioas that shouldbe addresecdm a coerdirieted mmner N any adwatienal endeavor. <br />