Orange County NC Website
C~OP~`7 <br />plazemmt of leaves into the wal eyuivalem o[curblmes, roadside ditches, forpurposes Uf <br />vacuuming them, althvugM1 we didnot speak spwiEcalty wiN DOT about [NSp[ectice. <br />Staff has vol yet bad an vppvrmnity ro approach We othermunicipalides reg¢rdmg thdr abilityto <br />provide lea(copcction ecrvicm oubide then coROra6e bomdarie6. Yermngemenls carmot be <br />setiaf~ctoAy swcmr~ with the municipalities, staffcav also approazh private wmperdes should <br />Ne BOCC dhect. II might be usefW to develop a survey or vthcrvwdrodolvgy az some point ro <br />ass the hrtttest within the uvivwmuraled areas of the wuvty in such a fee-based leaf <br />collatiav 6ervice. <br />need fo povide al[ernatlvm to burning; perhaps phased in over a [ew ywn. <br />County staffhas, ro a somewhat limited extent, been invelvcd m proviGng altemalives to <br />rceidattial bmrw%For acme lime. The Solid Waa[c Dep'arboent has awually held backyard <br />ompost bin sales that have provided mexceea of 1,000 bms ova Nepast aeveml years. The <br />depaztment pleas to wntivue this praGice and eodd evm ezpmd tho ealea m indvde making <br />these bws available year-round. <br />The depedmrnt also accepts, for e reduced lee, tWimited quantidxs v£leaves aY the landhp that <br />mmingled with otherysN waetce ercating ahipJt yuality mulchproduct. Hillsborough, <br />Cmrbmq and Chapel full all maintain seasonal leaf colleotion services es wall as some <br />Gmitefion on leafbuming within Nevrespechvejmiediclions. <br />Smec Ica[bumwg has histodcally barn considered more ofa fire safety and health issue, Solid <br />Wasle staffhaa nos focused on Ne'altemative m bunting' aspect ofleef waste mazagement. <br />Should 0e BWC eo dnecJ; Solid Wusce atafr mould more aggressively pursue Utha altemadvea. <br />• Can we devcloparomplainf-based strategy for atopp(vg backyard bvmivy not <br />newsearily penakeivg the bnrven butrhawLSg the alhrnativn? <br />Staff bas vo[ had the oppornmity ro discuss this specific isms with Ilte Comty Attomey at Chia <br />point, bowever, the Sohd Waste stalibelieve anon-pwiGVe complaint based slmtegy wuldbe <br />develop. Whether sucM1 asnategywwld need to be incorporated in [M1e proposed otdimocc or <br />ouldbe pmsuadby orbs memo a tmcratain. If this approach waepmaucd etaffwould suggest <br />that effeoM1Ve evPorecmovt wuW alsvinclvde pmmgevey Mmegamt®t andlpr Haahh Deparhnent <br />staff az wnh az Solid Wnsce stall. <br />Staf(hae discussed with Ne County Attomey the overall basic leafbuming regulatory options <br />vailable, rclarivc to the proposed ordinance. based on These discussiorvs we believe those <br />options W tie: <br />• Dv vat regulate cesidentul bumin%oFleaves and other yard wastes (rreswt <br />ardwnce vrding) <br />• Pmbibitbuming only in "right ofways", or <br />• ProWbi[allbmning of leaves end other yard wastes. <br />