Orange County NC Website
Enforcement ~O~ O <br />LmdNl <br />Loads contefwg wvoA meml, pallets, comgated cardbeaN, avd clean unpawted <br />drywall will be chazgad d0uhle [he tip feejuet as ymd wazta and cardboard arc chmged <br />w. Tickers will be compiled and crnt vra wilM1 mvnthlybias far regular customers or <br />the enetomcrmay choose to pay tickets individually <br />Per~ttivg <br />lndividuels fvvd m be covdvctmgbvildv~g wtivitics withom the uppmpdete Rayc461e <br />Material Permit will be isued a civil citation. <br />Lleevsivg <br />]ndividuals fond hautin%C&D materials wielwut the approprate Recyclable Material <br />Collector s License will be issued n civil cimrioa <br />Jobsi4 sod War4 Des[inatino <br />As part ofNe C&D recyciwg educaliou eud ontinance eWbrcemrnt etFOtt, good Warne <br />Department sta[£will regularly visitjvbsites fm wl5ch aRecyclable Material Permit has <br />been issuM. Mvrdcipal ]vspcctioar DeparGnenta visiljobsims several limes daring the <br />couree of the pmjecl and will be rncOmagetl to inform the gHr PrJorcement staff when <br />solid waste violations me noted. irtdivlduak food b be illegalwhauling Regulated <br />Recydab4 Materiel for outrof-covuty disposal will be issuad a civil citation and <br />appropriate legal action wilibe pursuW by the County. Pine violations ofthis type will <br />cause Ne revOCatiov OfNe Recyclable Material Collection License. <br />Burning <br />Individmis found m bebuming prohibited materials wdllbe visited by County staff and <br />m(ormcd that they must extinguish the fire and be given alternatives 4 handtinx the <br />mNerial, Ao-igoifiw of the f c or s¢y subsequent illegal burning by that mdividuel will <br />result m issuance of a civil cimdon <br />Prvpased Timeline <br />Nov 9, 2001 Public Ele~ng <br />Nov, 2001 Adopt ordWmce;eRecfive de4 ofbumingproNbitiov <br />Nov, 2001 Authorise new C@D <br />education and enf cemrntposition <br />Nov, 2001-Feb, 20U2 Take ONinwce w Murdeipatities <br />Nov, 2001-Feb, 2002 FimGze Admirdsnative procedures <br />Jan, 2002 Begin issuing mock ti<ke4 <br />Apn1, 2002 Jrufute GCwsing <br />April, 2002 Begiu cerdficativn of Coruadugled ACCyclivg PaciGtiee <br />July-Augus42002 End grace period <br />July-August, 2003 Review ocd'mavice for costa tovvagefigsea, and <br />additioml feedback Gam the regulated commuviry <br />