Orange County NC Website
C~OP~'l <br />WM1eCs this"2ecvdable Material Pervut'all about? <br />the lawn in which yrou am building will v«d m adopt the mdmama for the permit to be <br />ttqufrcd. Yvv con apply forit at either Iha Zoning Compliance or HUilding Permit stapes <br />I[ wdl requhe estlmates oftypea uvd qumtifies ofwvste mticipeted and Mw you intend <br />m manage them. We em assist You N estimating your mticiPated waste. We will Process <br />yom application es quickly as possible mtl me ttquirW to tt¢pandwiNin 10 days. Yau <br />will be able m pick up aperrwt apphrationa[Plavving yr Inepectione Depmtments, but <br />will vecd to mbmit it to the Solid Waste Mmagemm[Deporm~rnt. <br />4Wat oven bumine is nrohibitedl <br />This mole lays out what activities are prohibited. <br />e of BUruw4 ACtlv1 Prohibimd <br />Consvuarion or Demclitlov Debris Yee <br />Household Gvrbv eared other MSW Yee <br />Devel went Clearw Yee <br />Fvresh :Plmtiv aration No <br />No :UUdemto tl»min No <br />A 'culnve: Field residuals No <br />A 'culture: Prmiin bmkmkee farm roads olear No <br />'cutmce: Cle~' trees for new astums/fields Yes <br />1.mdeeaPmg: Prmmgs:Brush and Izaves No <br />Who w'11 help me adapt to Ne newreeulatinns vnd M1nw? <br />AnoNer Task Farce rewnrmrndatiov was'4lire ¢ second mcyclivg educamr m focus <br />primmily on implemmmtiov of this erclwmce amf on mvirovmmmlly sound, tmste <br />inducing building preotices."This pssov will develop aduoationalmatmial, meat dvectly <br />.viN convecmrs and submnhactore, issue pemrits, and implement and enfocce the <br />ordmmce requirements. It is crucial tha[this iMividual have experienccin[he building <br />industry. ICyou or someone you Imow would be ivturat<dm serving the titizevs of <br />Orange County iv Wis capacity, the position opminS wiB be ammwced shortly aRCr Nc <br />Comm~ssroners adopt We ordiname, ifthey choose to do so. <br />M eight-mmth gate period will be necessary for the comvntuitym adapt to Na new <br />recycling rarynemmm. Gthis time we will issue'Snock" dekem as m effocl to help you <br />gar eceu¢tomed m what is requirerL The bumwg prolilbitionwill mks affect hnmadiately. <br />How em I secure my dumvs[er @om unauthorized vac? <br />Unauthorized dumping ofrccyclable mafinal mm awaste container is apecif ally cited <br />violation ofthe ordinance. Whilo securityof your dumpstee rmta "=yaw <br />reaponsibihry, signs stating civil and crimmffi p®elties will be amuck more effective <br />detarev[tbmcurrmt "no dvmpiuya' aigve. <br />