Orange County NC Website
Ftequen[ty ASketl Quotions <br />want abort[ denerdnn waatea ~CnOO p1~ <br />Davonlim waste indmles a gnat deal vfwood and me1W, bola recyclable metedala <br />Howev«, separation is mach more diffi«I[. Dvnolition waste mun still be recycled if <br />free ofmnWmieanls. B W the wum would not be eoasid«W free of eonlaminmts ifit "u <br />attached to other material... way that ieunot reasonablypwsibte rose-vrate."For <br />oxemple, sometimes iris notpo n'hle m sepvate smda or)oisls Rom tile, plestw, drywall, <br />sheathing or siding (possiblypaivtedwith lead-basedpaivq. Much like Ina cmrevt <br />cadboard baq same judgement call" az the X11 is mavoideble. <br />Another C&D AecwWrg'Iask Force recommendation wu "Promote d«ovswedon" <br />ILe oNinmce cmmins a provisim Wal demolition proj«re fo[ sl[ucmres War have not <br />been condemned maybe delayed up to GO days for the Deparbnenl m perform <br />entr of"whether and m what extent the materials in [he ebumured. rorw'.iat of <br />,egatmed reryclabk moreriaT' Wat should be eepazated and mcycled. <br />Can mixed CffiO recvd'oe fml'fes be usedv <br />BWlders may chose m use m&pd moyding fndlidee, bypassWg Weaour« aeparalion <br />ttgnicemmt, but Wese £aciHnes must be certified mnually and Held m at least We same <br />recycling stmdazd u we achieve. io do othetwrse would simply ahifl wane out vfthe <br />Cowty. qo gu caniHcaaoq farnliliaa will have Yo either 1) recycle at Last all We <br />matedals regWated in Ormge County, or 2) meet a 3o%racyding rata, axplpdiog inert <br />debris from WI celcWations. As ow progmmmatmes and achiavice higbw divmion rates, <br />We awnu:w am na r;dsad. <br />want dnaa ramaine in.WVex <br />cffin nanlera naing ~emWea great«man soon pmmda cross vewWe we;gnt (cvwl wdl <br />neM m gH a Gcrose amoally and mgule[ each of Wehveludes under i[. Violations <br />ivcuned W my registered vehicle subjects Wa company's licerue to We suspension arW <br />revocation provisions described in Ina "mforcemmC s«tion ov page 5 of dun primer. <br />Mvbusiness isn't construehon burl still have woW mewl nc 'n vwene <br />Metat, pallets, end comagated cardboard from We commercial waste stream will be <br />mbj«t to We recycling regWremen~ This is We oNyway to avoid Ne rotatable eiwtion <br />ofhaving one landfill metomer being allowed m dump Wese materials right rte t m <br />anolner wM is mi Tne Solid W ante nepartmmt staffwill help you get a recycling <br />progruv setup. <br />