Orange County NC Website
~OP~'I <br />PolenEallmpcet <br />While the proposed list a[meterisls Is mostly CffiD wasm materials (doe m aunevt <br />pressing C&D disposal issues), ttis is not apecJcally a °L'k' D Ordinance'". Actions <br />mavdatmg rccycbng afmaterials generally found in nth«wate streams can be takmby <br />simply amesuling Ihis ordinance. This will miWmizc nc~ gowfh o(a clumsy array of <br />Solid Wazte regWador~s if future Hoards decide m pursue adtlidonal recycling mmdatex. <br />Regulated Recydables represrnt approximately 29%ofihe C&D waste stream iv Ocmge <br />Cowry, m about 8,990 mns annually 3'eble 1 shams the potential recycling impact. <br />T.61e 1 <br />Mahrlnl Percev[a a of C&D Taos er Yeer <br />IIn aimed, ilvtreeted Lumber 14 0300 <br />Pallets 3 930 <br />Ev 'retted Wood 8 2,J80 <br />Clcav N'ootl Subtotal 23 ]80 <br />Metal 4 1,200 <br /> <br />Total Recvelvble Material 8Y 8,9Yp <br />Ea tenors of volume (the reel measure ofbow much landfill spore cw be saved) these <br />materials acocunt forposnbly over 50% dueto their bully nature. This eafvnate is based <br />on the wide variety ofcomasion rates available, flow much space materials avwWty <br />consume when compacmd togelhcr is anunavoidably speculetivemeaeme. <br />Cleau wood waste has bc« divmcd and proc«eal mm calomel mulch in avolunlary <br />pilot pmj«[ far several monUU. <br />Pallets have been recycled at the I.mdfill &r reuse and remmu(aztme since 1996. They <br />ere nowbang processul with other woad wastes m the colored mWCh pilot pmj«t. <br />Clean Metal has barn recycled by land511 eteff for almost 4 years now. <br />Corrugated Cardboard was bavncd fmmthe Lmdfdl6 years ago with successful <br />results. The "Cvrdboard Ban" bas simplybe®iv«rporsted into this ordinance. <br />Other Materiels maybe added to Ihie list Nlhc forme ae markets are developed. Other <br />mamriale may wclude hmddearivg and inert debris, carpeting vinyl vdmg, or dpwell. <br />