Agenda - 12-11-2001-9e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-11-2001
Agenda - 12-11-2001-9e
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COO PS'1 zp <br />reduce the amount of material landfllletl, If properly implemented and administered. The current <br />disposal ban on cardboard In the Orange County landfill would be expanded to mandate <br />recycling of all commercially generated ceMboarq whether it is delivered to the in<ounly landfill <br />or other cutafcounty fecilifies. One additional provision of the oNinance is to prohibit the open <br />buming of solid waste, including Iandcleerin9 debris. <br />Implementation of such an ordinance requires staffing, facilities development, and coordination <br />with other departments and governments within Orange County as well as with the requlatetl <br />community of developers, contractors, end waste haulers. If the ordinance is adapleq the <br />County would proceed to develop the necessary local recycling Infrestmc[ure to recycle and <br />market the regulated matedale. The County would also develop an educational and <br />enforcement capability [c: <br />• make the regulated community aware of what the objectives of the oNinance are and <br />haw R baneFta the community <br />educate the development community on haw to comply with the oNinance,and <br />• provide continuing enforcement of the oNinance <br />A substantial grace period is proposed to follow adoption of the ordinance. That period would <br />allow the regulated community to became informed regarding the ordinance and would pemnR <br />stag to develop the necessary recycling infrastructure. <br />During the past year, Solid Waste staff has met or otherwise cemmunicatetl with varbus <br />stakeholders who would be affected by the ordinance end has made numerous modifications to <br />the tlreR oNinance based on these interactions. Additionally. the BOaN of Commissioners has <br />previously discussed versions of the tlreR ordinance at meetings in November 2000, January <br />2001, and October 200E and provided further tlireMion to staff. The ordinance has now <br />progressed to the point where the County is seeking formal public comment priorto further <br />conslderetion by the BcaN and possible adoption. If the Boertl ultimately adopts the <br />oNinance, it would be desirable for the Towns to implement the same oNinance within the <br />municipal boundaries so that the same rules would be applicable throughout the County. <br />Should Orange County eventually adopt the Regulated Recyclable Materials oNinance, the <br />County would be at the forefront In the State of North Caroline regeMing management of <br />construction and tlemolRion waste. Staff notes that Representative Joe HerJcney is sponsoring <br />aimiler legislation on the State level that would ban caNboaN, clean wood waste and wooden <br />pallets from being buried in landfills. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Atlopticn of the oNinance would result in an ohllgalian to develop <br />recycling fadlitiea et existing County waste management facilities to receive the regulated <br />materials. Such facilities, equipment and staff would be funded from the Solid WastelLantlfill <br />Operations enterprise Pond and wouldnol involve any Geneal FUnd expentli[urea. Permit fees, <br />licensing fees and landfill surcharges would supplement existing tipping fees and reserves to <br />fund these services. The FV 2001-02 solid waste budget contains funding far the immediate <br />hiring of a recycling education specialist, following the adopGOn of the ordinance. <br />RECOMMENDATIONjS): The Manager recommends that the Board receive public wmment <br />and schedule further consideration of the proposed oNinance al a future Board of <br />commissioners' meeting. <br />
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