Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS M <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT ~O~ r+ <br />Meegng Date: November ], 2001 <br />Action Agentla <br />Item No. <br />SUBJECT: Reg ulatetl Recyclable Matedals Ordinance <br /> <br />DEPARTMENT: Solid Waste/COUnty Adorney PUBLIC HEARING (V/N) Ves <br />ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> Gayle Wilson 988-2885 <br />Summary Report - David Ghirerdelli 968-2]88 <br />Daft Odinance Geof Gletlhill, ]32-2196 <br />11/01/01 Solitl Waste Director Memo TELEPHONE NUMBERS: <br /> Hillsborough T32S181 <br /> Chapel Nill 9881601 <br /> Durham 8884331 <br /> Mebane 336-22)-2031 <br />PURPOSE: To receive public wmment regartling the tlrek Regulatetl Recycable Materials <br />Odinance wrtently being wnsitleretl by the Boam of County Commissioned. <br />BACKGROUND: In August 2000, the Construction antl Demolition (C&0) Recycling Task <br />Force submiked hs foal report to the Boartl of Gcunty Commissioners. The report contained, - <br />among other recommentlatigns, the rewmmentlaticn that the County atlopt a mandatory <br />recycling ordinance. The pdmary objective of this regulatory approach was to enwurage more <br />responsible management of highly recyclable materials from fhe CSD waste stream and to <br />divert these antl potentially other materials fromlantl011 disposal. At the time. Oange County <br />was Involvetl in a search for a new consfruceon and demolition IaMfll to replace fhe ensting <br />facility, which is expeMetl to reach rapacity In 2002. The tlilficulty of siting a new C6D lantlfll in <br />Orenge County providetl an additional impetus for fhe odinance in that it reFlecta a tleaire to <br />make any new such facility last as long as possible by tliversion of selecYetl materials. <br />The purpose of the proposed ordinance islo regulate bath recyrAable C80 matedals antl <br />potentialy other materials in the waste stream by keeping those materials from being landflletl <br />and raquiringthat they be separated for recyclln9 insteatl. While the ortlinenca is not <br />specifically a C&D recycling oNinanca, the initial focus of the ordinance Is on what are typically <br />considered CSD matedals-for example, untreatetl/unpainletl wood waste, wooden pallets, end <br />scrap metal CaNboartl is also inclutletl. Other materials may be atltled In the future to the list <br />of regblatetl matedals. <br />The proposed ordinance regulafea the on-site separation of the regulatetl matedals, requires <br />Regulatetl Recyclable Material Permits to be obtainetl along wtth the tratlitionel <br />building/demolition permits, and the licensing of waste haulers that haul wastes that typically <br />contain theregulatetl materials. Passage of the ortlinance woultl signifcantly after the ways in <br />which wnsiruction and tlemolition waste is managed in Orange County, and has the potential to <br />