Orange County NC Website
to <br />gavernnrmn agencies (ndudtnK the Orange Counry Lansjkpl in providing ndvice on inventory <br />arzagzmem, reusingbuttdtrzg mareiais salvage, job sire managemrnr/sepamuon, self-hearing. <br />etc. <br />7) How will na[Gng, equlpmenS end[veiliHes reletetl to the lmplementaHOV O[We <br />aramaaae he Haaaeea'r <br />The Solid fYrste Management Department budgaHs operarul av an amerprise fund and does nor <br />any fundingwhaecnwerjrvm tFe Cauntygsneralfund. Expenditures related to rNe <br />bnpiemenrakon ofrhe ordinanm wi/i be fuMrdfrom o combination afsyatun tippingfve.. mrd <br />contribukonsfromfundveserves. Unlike many ofrhe counrybreryclingproRrams. rNe <br />oustmation mrd dmrolikon (C&IlJ mauagamenfprogram is selffunding even Rerrerakaga <br />nrrPbw thin helps fund non{'~D related recycling progrnms. Eor fistance, Ms evrlmmed <br />rurplus from the cvnmuckon and demo/iriam landfill tippingfceo~ in FY 1001/01 is 31.051.000. <br />However, by lnerensbig axpendlmes whhm the C&D mvnagarreni-rvgrmn lets money rt <br />pecmd m be available fur funding non-C&D recydingprograms. Thu is one ofseveral <br />motivations that me necesvimkng Board ofCommissivnms m coruider alternate mr~enue <br />som rrs for the enterprise fond during eha upcoming budgeryvar. <br />~ Consider the"air cattalo°methotl of bvmlvg ova rvhe[her this type of burvlvg should <br />be approached diRereatly in the pmpmetl ortlinance. <br />TAe "air eurtatn"rneNod afburnlnK Vegetaflve wufes Nas bean utilisedforseraralyeors, <br />although its use in Omngr Comity may beswnewhatlimited In prtndple Chia type ofburning <br />nvoives ere inienknn fair mina burningplr or enulosaG area resufkng in rho generaeton of <br />extreme rempemmres that lhorougFry combust the wastes leaving minimal onlyafine asN. TTie <br />pro sallows rFe hurninK l(argea mans ofma[erial very quickly arsd wi(h mireirnal smoke. <br />being emined This type jbunarsg is ostfreyuenky and ~cienky utilized whonmassive <br />quamiries ofmateriaLnusr he managedsuch as that rvsuGingf om sevzre storms or very la.Re. <br />JmNdwrtngjobs. As with other types ofburning, it iv not avnsidered m be a recyclingpmmice <br />ar an envrronmenmM susminnble management rechmyue. <br />Solid Wane St shave. nor ronductad an environmenea/anatysis nfrM1ic type jbnmingm be able <br />m determine ijir is lesrharmful to air grudiry or public FeaGh than traditional bu.ning <br />merbodo(ogiev. NebFer bee smAevamarm rFm typo burnmgfrmr a~~rea tart"pornr lmrw. <br />5(~wou/dsuRRest rhaa should the Board of GOmmivsinnar.• wivN m fusther oom~ider this <br />burning rnethvdvlogg the 8mugenry Management, EnvboremenNl flaabh, and/or <br />Environmental and Rerource COruervakon Departments bo consulted Ifln the furore the Board <br />wisM1es to make an accommodntionfor ate mr[ain"burning, INe ordinance ran he anrerrded <br />