Agenda - 12-11-2001-9e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-11-2001
Agenda - 12-11-2001-9e
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9/1/2008 10:01:50 PM
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8/29/2008 10:36:20 AM
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shermemingsJn thefonn se the va(vo jtbe 6vildr'n8. highly lr[Jlue cad Dy iu lomgon, <br />neNe aPPearanm, and the aorta lire merhanirai ryauns, does nornemssanlY equuremthe <br />rerycLAlliq~ofPoe marertab be the nmcrvre %Serc also may not bearyrrenx appraua]an <br />Band mrd (he ordvjonnai expro. nofva[uv would De ehe tax value. &the latterwse <br />demoffiiarr wet esnmatu are generally driven by the sire rondUloro dlrposalfeas, hauling <br />dfsrance and Ne equrymem and labor ncedeA, norporerulal value ar quanrcry ojmareda(s in ehe <br />serucnme. <br />A svutxu.e sine annrnaoM1 caWd be mi(ized as a Mresfio(d Fo. irrsmnce, ehe delay mold be <br />limlredonly ro demolition amrvaies exceeding lOpp sy. fi. 1J'rhe Domd wishes to include a <br />rhrechold in the ordinarscq.vrr~wouldsuggest niod~in85ecrion V14 Aro include rfie 1000x9. <br />/~. mi ze appronJr. Ahernnrivn(y the ordinance could remain unchanged aadm could <br />inrp(emenrrMe size rlmeshniAar mr aArninisrva(ive crimrion f r determining wMthn a dunolirion <br />mold be delayed <br />.tiraff.mggas[stliat the adm0lsnaelve uiab[in8 mniponera jPoe ordirmnveprev[de mr eusuranu <br />xhrrt initial eva(mttoa9 ofdenrelinm+-r jwtr &at may bare deronstmetlon porrntia(ocrur <br />wlthim ]0 days ofrhe submission ofmr apPlimtion so os mprwiude unnecessary delays. <br />Projecu sei[N na oDViaus deconsrrvctian Pnremra! would nor likely be delayed even 10 days. <br />5) Sboultl[here beexempfionstothe praporetl prohlbitloo of the burning of lautldesring <br />JeArie tale Wl to elorm tlamage4 <br />.Sraffdnes not Defieve O~u'e is a need eo provide an exam-tten from [fie ordirmncej r <br />lande(mring type debris generated uv a result Jexuyriona(sronn ewes. Oran Se County <br />gw art Fns ezrvoordinarypaw irs rimes jdedared emergen and may sus-end <br />us ordinances or poninru ofordinances as domed essential ro maintain publre Mmlrh and <br />safety. R ahouldbe noted rFar the County's Solid Waste Uepanmrnr was nor author&ed:o <br />udtlre DUrnimgMrnamaglmB the NiBli voLtma ofwastu generated by Aunloane Frnn. <br />fi) Discvsa how speve limlmtlvva at vonatraction Sitcs may impede We proper separation u[ <br />regulatetl materials. Wbat areeeme possibleseparatian options fur camtrainetl sites? <br />For anyw uctinnp jerts, boM large andsmall, Sda waste mrznrtgen ant usuesama <br />ohaf(enge. Other ehan moseria!(vpas and diapmat rusm, ses•~atdgf e ondirlons~a_ <br />osre mana8emern densiorrs. Pr ject type, amazon ofrNe profece, sub contractors. Segae eaof <br />maks(phuing)and the total amount ofwasre to he genanred a~ chow waste can be stored and <br />sorted Job site characrerlsdas such as eheamilabrtiry and lomtlort ofourside open space (( r <br />wrainers orpdesf, doo arzd windawp(ammersr~reNU(Ing or vinS Soap mareHa4j and <br />road amass QarBe mvk orsmaD) determine whioh and where srora8e and sarringactlvl¢rs ran <br />6e usedon any give sire hiisring landscupiny.a ers/managersnrl ences, lama <br />governmem ordinances, etc. mny also nex decisions. <br />Ultlmarefy, Daly the on-..ire cvnnnreion managermay weigh as ofMe nondltlons oftfieprojm[ <br />and determine, on a site-spechc Dastis, Fmv hest to son nndsaparate the waetm_ The Nuiional <br />Ass cionon afldome Builders (NAND) produc mguides regrading warm mmmgement <br />andre very Nor are m Jh[ in advising hui(dees and.enmdelers on how ro mamge resources <br />~cicndy and save money- to j a, the pablicarian "A pYeld Guide jot ResidentialRUnodeiers ", <br />pub(khad by NAffD, feafuraz several IomJ ownhurXOn related businesses and non-pr hrRonal <br />
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