Orange County NC Website
L6 <br />with a neighbor wAo carz ~ r i f nnation regarding lieeeue numbers ur other <br />identher, the deputy will comm~ flee Wider and requerrthat the dlegalty dvmyed <br />nsre bepicked-u-~ she 1f=^dmuthen warned ofJhrekersucki( c«um. <br />IJ following an examinarian fMe unsre mamrials or other invern8adve actions. the <br />dopvry is rmable ro iAen(Ify rFepespemnlor, Me landownv ssleR to dean the sire <br />Fin se jot fhrougX the Firing ofoleanup servacs. <br />Ifrhe mduranoe is ndoptad 51r~believas rhanhe above MvesrigavlveProoessshoold be <br />ainmined.lrz anridpanon ofsome [rm-orarv increase in lllregal dumping upon imp(emenrarimr <br />ofehe ordinance St ~suRBems rhanhe shwiJjbe advised so that law enforcement ranprepare <br />jot inesemed illegal aedvity <br />Pvrthermore, Staj(Deftevres that illegally dmmped nmrerlals that are being demrM-up by the <br />-roPerN owner or others should De subject /o the separation srrtndrtrQS emrtained in the <br />mdlnanre Generally, moterzais can beeeparared rarhor easi!)+when being loaded, vtlth meta( <br />cardboard or clean wood in the hack of Me mink and unregularedmmerials in rhefrm2 Or, <br />megn]ated maro'lals on eke bottom andregulamd matertals on tr p nfrhe load. IjJm <br />cardboard, Jor Inslanre, in beavlly.volled by mud, err. or otherwise rendered anrecyrZab(G the <br />ordina se-aratian require ent would not FPIR tJihe marena(s were comaminarxd on <br />purpose by thelandownes or those in his/her Fire to avoid paruifon rrquireman(s. (hat would <br />bra violation fthe ordinunro. As with demo(teion moxerials, ifrke regulated muteriala were <br />anached ro other material in a way that Is Is no reasonnblyponible to saparrsfa or ~(separanng <br />nuld-osea dmearmkurhh orrajery. the ordinance would nor apply. S(ajl'belkves the <br />ordIDanee, In ire ntrrentJorm adequately addresses Dlegally dumped maredab andp(aces no <br />tome oNess ofa border on those mareriais than jmmeriuls not dlagalty d yed. <br />d) Regarding the possible 60.tlay delay for aemaiition project permits for vsseasmevr vt <br />decovsrrvc6on poteotinl, why was the size and movcmry threshold removed from [be <br />proposed ortlmauce? Bhoultl considerafiov be given to reNSiatlvga Wrahold? <br />The nnesFold ofioosguare jeer o. $50,000 fo. requirinRRecvdabia Mararia] Piam wan <br />ave4 hec use iheRMPlao lrselfwv nodes arequi ear ofrha ordinance. This <br />moval was P>(maniy in response to regulated eommuniryJeedbark ihareneouraged uc to keep <br />drePn"nrittinR Procedures as simple andun f rm an Possible. <br />The 6rMay Mlay in demdinon PrQlears, as aQQressed in the marentdraJt ofihe ordinance, <br />includes empNonsfor ondemnedsiruo(urvs,buf no she rNresNOldfor Mesiruraure ro tea <br />demolished. [Fe exhnng dY ~]anRUage allows/or suohn delay In o>driJor (Aa Department ro <br />peYform an msessmenr ofwherFa and to what exreu{ bused on informafion In rNepermk <br />apphmrimF rhesFaGUre m be demo]uhed coruis(s r(ma(eria/s char inn be reavonahly reryded <br />r otherwise divested from diSPnsal. SlaJfhad assumed that administrative onterla wmtld 6a <br />developed that would De used ro derermino which projecm may be delayed. tr was also assumed <br />that delnys would he infreyuenr. <br />Aowever, smJrma[d modify the ordinance ro indudn some rhresAold to codes which proJeors <br />may be delayed Two rhreaha[d approaches hat oauld be ronslderedu>e monetary sad sbacrura <br />ze. Amonemry threshold bnsedelehm on the appraised value ofrhe building slmedfor <br />dernnntimrmon the cvrimared rose ftNe aanial demoiirimr work ench Lave inherent <br />