Orange County NC Website
MEMORANDGM <br />TO: IoM 1JnA, County Manager <br />FROM Gayle Wilson, Solid Waste Direotor <br />SllBJECT: RegulazM Recyclable Materials Ordinvme Publie HeannK Follow-pp <br />DATE: November 30, 2001 <br />The tbllowinK discussion is fv responseto issue miss] by the Roevd of Cavmtieeiovem ard vba <br />citizens who spoke at the Novanber ), 2DOt Public Heariag oa the Regulated Recyclable <br />Material Ovdivance (Uraft K15J. ]LecmteID drelt(fllfi)hes tampomrily excluded portone o[ibn <br />oMinanw ofrelevmt [e the a~cvlmre <ommurdty so that Staftean more thoroughly examine <br />Na associated issues. 'l hereforo, the fllow-up itevu Bated below related m agiwlmral bumivg <br />will be addressed aepmavdy in u futurn report. <br />1) Would it M1e pmxibla for [boss properties ussigved av agriwl[ure "nse value° be avaumed <br />to be evgagetl iv agriculture avtl therefore romitleretl exempt from the urdinancda <br />prapuaetl prohihilinns to burning of lavtlclearivg debris' How reliableiv the "uve vvlud' <br />tlexigvadon iv ravsitlerivg v speelul veeommotletiou (or agrieullure bvrving? <br />RevponsePendin8hrriher analysis. <br />2J How shoultl legitimate agrivullure lavtldearwq pracEas be aevmmatlaled/assWetl, <br />aside from nn outright cxcmpfion to the ord'wauce, regarding Ibe urtlinanre's prvhibifivv <br />op bumivg of lautlcleariag tlebru mtl what alternative m burvivg might be available! <br />Response peadiugfimaher analysis. <br />3) Shauld illegally tlumpetl evd pvtevtinpy evmmivgletl maferuly W at are ultimu[elp <br />picketl up by the lavdowver (orthose uvtler cov[rael ur employ m the landowner) be <br />xemp[fromthe separation requirement o(Ihe propomtl ordivauce? Wha[vould/ahoultl <br />be the role olthe SherifR <br />Morerfa(s drmrped lllegalty upon privateproperyare an mrgning problem (has may, al Ivan <br />initially, in ass ln¢equenry as sole ofndopdon jehe RRMOrdina e. The mateiaU <br />typically durnyed rangefrom homogen mmeriah sucA avalnad froofing ahinglesromued <br />nasL and debris conssseing la v eery ojwaae materlala. <br />Cevrwe yr~ nedpractice regnrdinghuw illegal dumpLrg is lurrNied is: <br />• Acomplaine is lodged with the. Sherrff's ice. <br />• AdepuN is ear eo LmesHga(e. <br />• ffjollowing nueraminatian aftNe waste mmena/mid otAer invesfigafive acerors, INe <br />depurycan find mr indicaror ofe3e ongrn ofehe truh ehroagh ayiew o(mal( sP~k <br />