Orange County NC Website
draJ17k16-blacklined <br />1 [-30.2001 <br />Hless, day, erns cone¢lep[Dduvmit rile mnvufaptvdvg; vnvspoMtion egWpmmS avd wvste <br />treatmem. lFe tomt does not indutle mining wasre¢gas waste. <br />l s. e~ere tka~i:. smia waam wmm~ Don,iam :Dldy Dr mateial Thal is mrmanr mart ¢ mat is <br />Idsely to aemiu its physi[sl avd aFemiwl svvdure under exp¢red wvditiom cf disposal, <br />mdndnsg bat not limited m brick, blcck; rock, eephelq and tlht. <br />16. Landfill a disposal fzoiliry or p¢t of a dieposvl hcility whew wade is plaoN in ¢ w laud, <br />erns that not a Jana tream,mt aadiry, . agar w ~r~Dandmcnl, m iniaDbon wull. x <br />is <br />hamrdons waste Im18-term storage Neiliry, m a sarGCe aromge fedtlry. <br />V. Medicol xwte. any solid wade which is generated m the dupmsie, hcahnent, m <br />vtion ufhumw beingew mmaLs,wresemch pertaining mertgor in me prododim <br />o restwg of biologicals, bur does vet mdude my luzaadous wasu identified m lis[od <br />Pmswnt m CM1vpter 13UA, Artiola 9, oP the FoM G¢olinv o<~d 9mNke, mdlDacnve <br />wmu, nopsebold waste as definEd iv 40 CIR. $ 261A(b)(IJ in effect on 1 Ivly 1989, m <br />Noaesubsrmves excluded fiom the acfiNlion of solid wasleiv Nis GMptea. <br />18. Munialpa! solid wa any solid rws& remltlvg 5Dm the Dpemtion oI rteidenliel, <br />civil. ind~rsMaltDp,DVemmmhl, Dr meliWtimul ea:abliahmunm Ibal would narmellY Fe <br />wlladed, prouascd, end disposes of tM1rovgh a puFXv m pdunm svlld w ¢ pro~am <br />unag<mmr service. Municipal solid xaale includes conswdion vvd demolition wvsm and <br />inert debris. MuniolPal solid waste does not include Farzrdcus wasR, aludga, ivdustrid <br />waste managed in a solid waste m¢ugvmm.~vl Cwility owned e' op¢'ered by me gmemmr of <br />Ne ivdusaial wusm fm ma~ag¢nwt of mat wreak, or solid wade from minivH oa apdwlwml <br />ap¢xliaw <br />19. -'an- saEle opd uw dcared imm lend for vny purynse ether than sale m a <br />commodity ur.M1ippin6 for uu on site of fm sale. <br />2U. Open Wndng TM1e combustion of wlid waste as a means of disPOUI ofinat waste. <br />21. Open dump. a solid wage disposal ai[E IFat dues no[ M1eve Me pemu[ Da permil8 mVUVad by <br />Ivx~ mwhich does nor wmply with the colas sel6nh u~ Nis ordinance. <br />22. Pdlcl. A porwbly wooden platfnm~ for Favdling, sm~ivg, or movwg mat¢iels aM packages <br />nsM m warEM1nv es, fiuaries, retail avd wnDlesele gales looatiove avd vehiclae. <br />23. Person. aPCrson. yrouP Of persona,firm, emnPanY. empomtion, asswiatian, -arlnersldP. nNt <br />of local b vemmenq scare eamcy, federal agemy, w othar legal cvtiry. <br />26. Procrsvir5¢ anY reaMiquc Aesleaed N oMnge Ne Physicol, chnmcal, or biologcal chamm¢ <br />wmpoaition Df any solld wane spas to amd¢il safe fur UanepDrlia noble mrecovery, <br />¢agq rec livg; sate fortlWOSll; orreduoed in volumeor oavem¢atlov. <br />25. Project. erplam~ed vndarmking of wvvvonov, resswdelinH. decowrcuRiov and tlevtolMm. <br />26. YmresdAte. solid waste wpabla of being decomposed by mlcmvrgsvisms vnth suHiciwl <br />apidiry sa b cavsenuisavices fiom.vdors, Kasw orligpWS, sveh as kmhm xmctea, offal entl <br />2]. Rad(Daelim wavtematena(. solid waste conmNwg avY material, wM1HM1er solid, ligwd, m gas, <br />that etw[s ionivngmdiatiun apomm~enusly. <br />28. RCRA. 'foe Rewuree Covsetvatlov and Recovery Set oC lY]6,YUbA. 90-SgU, 90 8m1.2995, <br />G2ILSL § 6901 e! uq. as amended. <br />29. Recovered malw~iaL a srmtenal mat M1as 6noxm recycling polevllel, om be feesibty rayoletl. <br />and nos hem Averted oaremavcd from Ne solid waste skmm for sale, uu, ¢ cocas. In order <br />N qusliCy as a r¢overeA matenvl, a melenal must etas Nc rcquicemmk of NGC 8- 4 1]0. <br />3N'.o5(c). <br />3U. Aeoydable eomlma(fon and demnlirivx material. clean weed waste vna metafe (except <br />decd drums and tm~ks) aaultivg generally from coveo-adinq remodalwg apei5 or <br />demclitlou op¢etions m pavamm4 buildings, Dr oth¢ smulmea. <br />31. RuryvlMia m real. The term '}myolable malseP ivdudes, Imt u not limilcd lo, <br />racyelvble oowlrvmiom vvd demUliaov maluiale, aluminum, N1vt box¢, uortugeted <br />