Orange County NC Website
dr¢ft#Ih-hl¢cktined <br />uaazoot <br />SECEION VO1. DEb1N111ON5. <br />For Nc putpoasefNls OfdlwllcG Ore folowing definitions shall apply <br />1. AsM1u rc[vsa w'uhmg fi~ Ne bvmigg oY woad, noel, cork m atha oombostible mnrerial <br />wfiieh lws no live embers. <br />2. 8ouztl The HOastl ofCOnwissim~¢s o(Orenge County. <br />3. 8u(kmaleriai A tightly covslmeled mewl, plaalic er uNermaterial coo~aivm oftwo (R) eobic <br />yards or greater capacity and of a design approved by Ne County mewger es bewg capable <br />afbaiug emplled by Woipmeat <br />4 Clem wood xvsie. a~eod wss¢ from wvswesion aid demolition activity that is vat neared <br />ana 6oeofpaint. <br />5. Collerfion. Itw act oCremovmg solid wsste (indoding onnetmchon and danolivieu was¢, <br />land-cleating debris mcyoWble mawials) fiom a poivt of genera hat slonge <br />poiv edisposal sltq vnd kov enhnl storage point pros ttu~ Dente WaiEapusal silz. <br />6. ComWU(iw ~md ArmolOfan wv'(e wlid wsste resulting gevemlly fimm conSpucNoa, <br />motleling, repeir,mdemolitinn nperatim~s nn pavemenS 6uildinp;,walhm eVUClurvr. <br />9. Cormgored m.dbourct Ilhmisyacil cardboard matmiW with v middlq wary Ieyv. <br />Numerydu6le cardbouM such as weed M1nxes, cardboard adhemd W pacGVg malarial (such <br />as Sryrobam or wooden w plastic auppurtsJ and cardboard senuated wiN motor oil or <br />foodstuffs in i4 mrmvl use before disposal ere eav'IudeJ @em Nis definifion. <br />8. Ux-urlment.]LC SUIitl Waste Management Department. <br />A Lkymnnent Dhenor.'the DUecbr of the Solid Waetc Managemenl Depashnent. <br />10. L3a-osuL -fR Jischatgc, dcpvsil, iyactioq dumping, spilling lealnng otplaring of my solid <br />wade inW or on any land m wafer w thel Ne Wlid wash or soy coustiluent part of Ibe wlid <br />astc may vmhr Nc rnvhonuxnt or by emitted into Ne air m discharged inro any wvtus, <br />vvludinggrovndwaters. <br />l 1. Fwd wrurc. food Nat has been prepared Ira humvn emsumption end was nol arned or <br />ntfierv'iae uud for food. <br />12 Cordage. all putresuble wusnq including vnimel offal and eamessee, and rxog~imbla <br />indusWal by-prMuGa,butcxdudingecwagcandhumanwastes- <br />13. Hazardous wane. solid waste, m combivatinn nfwlid wastes, which because of iLS Queatily, <br />cenhatioq m physicv4 chemical. or id'¢tiuus uharadenatics may (I) o <br />significantly cwtr~buW to au inuazm in mortality or en increase in aeriuus Irtevemblu or <br />incapacimtingrevemible Wlness; m (2) pose a subelavliW ptuscm w potential hazed to humvn <br />health m the wvuuntwW when iugoopedy nested, scored, hensported, disposed o[ or <br />ofienase managed. <br />14. tndm+nul solid wane. all weam gmemnd fiom Nctorin, Prnceesing plants and oNa <br />nufeWUing enterprises Net is not IUasrduua waste as de5netl in Nis section. Smh was¢ <br />may ilwWtlq bu[ is not limi¢d W. wasx resulting from the following menpfeeWting <br />pmeesses: Electrio power generaEOq' (ertilrew/agnwlturel chemicals; toad end rzlated <br />preduelsroY-PmaucR inorganic ohemiral; iroq and steel msauffictmivB: WaNa end Iwlha <br />prodoar; notSenous metals ~muufeewring fowNies-, organic chemicals; plashes nM resins <br />mwurachmng; pulp sod paper ivdustry, robber and rmaoellauwiu plestio pmdvets; gong <br />