Orange County NC Website
<br />Program information P a g e 9 o f 17 <br />PROGRAM INFORMATION <br />*Please submit for each program if applying for funding for more than one program. <br /> <br />5. Program Name: Education Initiatives <br /> Program Primary Contact and Title: Emily Metzloff, Manager Education <br /> Telephone Number: (919) 687-4635 E-Mail: <br /> <br />6. Please briefly describe the proposed program, including an explanation of how it aligns with the Town of <br />Chapel Hill and Carrboro’s Results Framework, and Orange County BOCC Goals and Priorities, and the target <br />population to benefit from the program. (100 words or less) <br />ECH’s Education Initiatives align with the BOCC goal to “Ensure a high quality of life and <br />lifelong learning that champions diversity, education at all levels, libraries, parks, recreation, <br />and animal welfare” and Chapel Hill’s objective #1 “Children improve their education <br />outcomes and Objective 2:2 Residents increase job skills appropriate for the local economy”. <br />Education interventions include Pre-K preparation, K-12 tutoring, summer camps, parent <br />education and support, ESL, HISET, work skills training, etc. Staff monitor Prek -12 progress <br />on academics to assure children are at grade level and encourage children and parents to <br />use community resources like the library to support learning. <br />7. Target Population: Please complete the table below with numbers (not percentages) of individuals served <br />and projected to be served. <br /> Program Target Population Demographics <br /> <br />Projected <br />2019-20 <br />Actual <br />2019-20 <br />Projected <br />2020-21 <br />Projected <br />2021-22 <br />Gender <br />Men 80 90 90 100 <br />Women 120 97 70 100 <br />Nonbinary/Genderqueer <br />Self-Describe <br />Unknown/unreported 21 <br />Total 200 208 160 200 <br />Race and Ethnicity <br />Black or African-American 2 <br />American Indian or Alaska Native <br />Asian 30 27 15 30 <br />White 4 <br />Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander <br /> Other: Latino, unreported, etc. 170 175 145 170 <br />Total 200 208 160 200 <br />Of the above, how many Hispanic/Latinx 170 175 145 170 <br />Of the above, how many non-Hispanic/Latinx 30 33 15 30 <br />Total 200 208 160 200 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 19D4C255-6C4E-420A-B8D1-63E97B864BA9