Agenda - 12-11-2001-9d
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-11-2001
Agenda - 12-11-2001-9d
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DRAFT <br />Orange County Gevemmant <br />Limitetl English Profcienry (LEP) Policy <br />Orenge County is commiltetl fo improving the accessibility of services [o persons with <br />limited English progclency (LEP) entl [o developing end Implementing a system that <br />gives LEP persons "meaningful access" to Orange County programs and services. <br />Purpo44 <br />To eliminate or reduce b the maximum ezfent possible limited English p~ciency es a bonier <br />or impetllment to amassing core service In Orange County Government. <br />Background <br />There has beena dramahc and-rapid inFlux of new immigrantsinto Orange County who have <br />Limited EngliaM1 Proficiency (LEP} For lhaae new bommudiry membere language can boa <br />bamer W accessing aerviceabr benefRS, understanding entl exercising their rights, entl other <br />information andthat may leave them vulnerable.. Recognizing this, Orange County has <br />designated eliminating baniers andaccess to progremaand aervicee td the LER.wmmunity as <br />an important goal. <br />Add'Rbnally, on August 10, 2000, the Presitlent signetl Executlve Ober 13166, mandating that <br />all fetlerel agencies ensure that they entl their recipients of~fetleral aitl improve access to <br />services to the LEP population. The attachetl policy was tlreRetl [o support [he goal endbe in <br />mmpliance with the EZecutive Ober entl its policy lmplementafion guitlance. The policy as well <br />as4he Ezewtlve Orderprovitles no new rights or beneR[3 but clarify existing Title VI" <br />responsibilities entl set forth the steps necessary b ensure,"meaningful eccesa" to services by <br />the LEP community. <br />In itlentifying [he language assistance Initiatives needed that are consistent wdh the undetlying <br />goal of this policy, h is reasonable to focus on [hose Osparbnenta witMn Orenge County <br />government that have [he greaten potential for Interaction with the LEP population, that involve <br />vial exchange of Information affecting provisions of service, and that grant a benefit or <br />imposition of a burtlen on the LEP population. Orange County govemment services can be <br />groupetl into fve categories basetl generally on the nature, purpose, entl consequences of their <br />interaction with the generel public antllor LEP populations. <br />(A) Departments whose primary mission is to serve the internal management entl <br />atlministrative needs of County government The interaction of these Departments with <br />the LEP population is infrequent and sewndary to services that they perform. <br />(tlJ Departments whose mission is to service the policy neetls of County Government. <br />These Departments either ere not dependant on their interaction with the public er <br />historical data suggest that they have no signifcant involvement with the LEP population. <br />'Tice Vl of the Civil RigM1k lm: of 1gCd probibils reci0ients of letleral finandel aealelenca from diecrlmineting egainat <br />r oNerwlse evduEing InENIEUaIS on the ba66 of 2ca, wloq or nafional origin In any of rher actvWes 6ecron Bm1 <br />of Tlrle VI, 42 US.C. § 2000tl. <br />
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