Orange County NC Website
Volunteer Application <br />Orange County Advisory Boards and Commissions <br />Taylor Oakley Page 1 of 2 <br />Home Address:133 Circadian Way <br />Township of Residence: <br />Zone of Residence: <br />Ethnic Background:White <br />Gender Identity:Male <br />Phone:9192590252 <br /> <br />Name:Mr Taylor Oakley <br />Boards/Commissions applied for: <br />Chapel Hill NC 27516 <br />Other Comments: <br />Name Called: <br />Year of OC Residence:2009 <br />Community Activities/Organizational Memberships: <br />Small farmer <br />Coach at local school <br />Carolina Farm Stewardship Association <br />Past Service on Orange County Advisory Boards: <br />I have not yet served on any boards <br />Boards/Commissions appointments: <br />Age Range:18-34 <br />Commission for the Environment <br />Background, education and experience relevant to this board: <br />I participated in a Capstone project via UNC Chapel Hill in undergrad which included energy <br />policy, life cycle assessment as well as statistical modeling of relevant data. I have worked as a <br />sustainable farmer and builder. I studied and continue to study sustainable practices across <br />multiple disciplines. <br />Reasons for wanting to serve on this board: <br />I would like to bring my perspective and knowledge as well as become involved in the local <br />policy of orange county, even if in a small way. I also look forward to the chance to learn through <br />others. <br />Conflict of Interest: <br />Contribution to the diversity of viewpoints on this board: <br />I do not know the demographic and knowledge base the currently is on the board. I am a farmer <br />which might differ. I m 28 which also might be a different. <br />27