Orange County NC Website
Volunteer Application <br />Orange County Advisory Boards and Commissions <br />Ian Morse Page 1 of 2 <br />Home Address:601 S. Merritt Mill Rd <br />Township of Residence: <br />Zone of Residence: <br />Ethnic Background:White <br />Gender Identity:Male <br />Phone:9199143009 <br /> <br />Name:Mr Ian Morse <br />Boards/Commissions applied for: <br />Chapel Hill NC 27516 <br />Name Called: <br />Year of OC Residence:2018 <br />Community Activities/Organizational Memberships: <br />Food delivery for The Marian Cheek Jackson Center. <br />Not Another Child. Board of Directors ( <br />Past Service on Orange County Advisory Boards: <br />N/A <br />Boards/Commissions appointments: <br />Age Range:35-59 <br />Commission for the Environment <br />Background, education and experience relevant to this board: <br />My Masters degree in Sustainability and Environmental Management (Harvard University <br />Extension School). In addition, I served on the Carrboro Environmental Advisory Board in 2011- <br />2012. <br />Reasons for wanting to serve on this board: <br />I am proud of the steps the county is taking toward climate change mitigation. I wish to <br />participate and help advance progressive attitudes about governance. Recycling, mass transit, <br />and pollution mitigation are also things I am concerned about and would like to help the <br />community address. <br />Conflict of Interest: <br />Board Member Jim Eichel is a co-worker and friend. <br />Contribution to the diversity of viewpoints on this board: <br />I believe exclusion and historical under-representation of parts of the community has been a <br />detriment to environmental sustainability. As a board member, I would seek input from a <br />representative sample of the community. I would also try to be very open-minded and <br />empathetic. I value contributions to society from individuals, businesses, non-profits, and <br />government institutions. <br />25