2021-642-E-AMS-Habitat for Humanity of Orange County-Community Climate Action Grant
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
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2021-642-E-AMS-Habitat for Humanity of Orange County-Community Climate Action Grant
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Last modified
11/4/2021 1:45:30 PM
Creation date
11/4/2021 1:44:24 PM
Contract Starting Date
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Contract Document Type
Agreement - Performance
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P a g e 17 o f 20 <br /> <br />1,200 tons from the landfill by receiving and reselling 8,113 items from Triangle residents. As a <br />renewable energy company, Southern Energy Management also seeks to ensure that its operations <br />are as green as possible. Its solar panels are American-made. The company also gives each of its <br />employees eight hours of paid time off to volunteer each year. <br /> <br />34. Please describe any other aspect of your project that is relevant to local economic development. <br />This project will help North Carolina and Duke Energy achieve their goals of carbon neutrality by <br />2050. Habitat is the sixth largest homebuilder in the U.S. As of 2019, only fifty Habitat affiliates <br />across the country and two in North Carolina used solar panels. If funded, we hope that this <br />significant project will serve as a model for other Habitat affiliates and help Habitat toward <br />becoming a national leader in solarizing homes for our lower-income neighbors. Funding of this <br />proposal will send a strong message that Orange County supports expanding renewable energy and <br />making it accessible to everyone. <br /> <br />Amount and Duration of Engagement <br /> <br />35. Please describe how you will engage with and/or educate project participants. We will work closely <br />with the buyers of each potential solar home to ensure that they fully understand the benefits and <br />potential risks of solar and are fully informed to make a decision on whether or not to participate <br />in the program. On all of its homes, Habitat works with individual buyers through the duration of <br />the project and is also available for guidance and support after closing. On this project specifically, <br />we will work with Rotary and our solar partner to ensure that we are giving buyers all of the <br />information they need to know. We will also work with East Chapel Hill Rotary Club to educate its <br />members and the members of other area chapters on solar and its benefits. We will encourage <br />similar collaboration between other Rotary clubs and their local Habitat affiliates and ask them to <br />join with us in applying for Rotary district grants and fundraising. Habitat remains engaged with its <br />homebuyers throughout the life of their 30-year mortgage. <br /> <br />36. How will you measure the success of that engagement or educational effort? We will measure the <br />success of our engagement and educational efforts by measuring the number of Habitat homes <br />that receive rooftop solar over time, measuring the numbers of homebuyers educated, measuring <br />the number of club members educated, measuring the number of grants and donations received, <br />and measuring the number of solar advocates created. <br /> <br />37. Please describe any other aspect of your project that is relevant to the amount, or quality, or <br />length of engagement and education that your project will produce. We will complete our first <br />solar panel installation in early 2021. With this funding, we will be able to complete an additional <br />ten installations over the next two years. Throughout this process, we will seek to have high-quality <br />engagement with each of the ten homebuying families. Following the completion of this project, <br />we hope to continue assessing each of our homes for solar readiness, and to create a sustainable <br />partnership and funding model that will allow us to install solar panels on any viable home where <br />the buyer chooses to participate. Over the next few years, Orange Habitat is also ramping up its <br />homebuilding from 12 to 20 homes per year. We hope that solar will be a part of this expansion. <br /> <br />Time to Complete <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 0E2E518B-BEF7-4AF0-8D07-FCD05F094BD6
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