Orange County NC Website
P a g e 11 o f 20 <br /> <br />☐ North Carolina: Clean Energy Plan <br />Zero Emission Vehicle Plan <br />Motor Fleet Zero Emission Vehicle Plan <br />Clean Energy and Clean Transportation Workforce Assessment <br />Habitat’s work directly addresses the Orange County Board of County Commissioners Goal and <br />Priorities by helping to ensure a community network of basic human services and infrastructure <br />that maintains, protects, and promotes the well-being of all county residents, and a high quality <br />of life and lifelong learning that champions diversity and education at all levels. Habitat’s work <br />also helps to create a balanced, dynamic local economy promoting diversity, sustainable growth, <br />and enhanced revenue while embracing community values. This project in particular addresses <br />the County’s goal to create, preserve, and protect the natural environment for present and <br />future generations. Project Drawdown, a collaboration of scientists worldwide ranks rooftop <br />solar as the tenth most important solution to climate change out of a list of 100. Solar panels <br />generate electricity without emitting greenhouse gases or air pollution. Every solar panel <br />installed decreases carbon production and fights climate change and protects the population <br />health. Rooftop solar can also reduce the stress on the energy grid by allowing utilities to draw <br />electricity from homeowners. <br /> <br />Collaborators and Partners <br /> <br />In some projects, collaborators and partners provide essential capacity and connections. If collaborators <br />or partners are an essential part of your project whether or not they are receiving grant funds, please <br />use this section to provide more details. If you are not working with collaborators or partners, please <br />feel free to write N/A in this section and move to the Social Justice and Racial Equity section. <br />13. Please describe one to three key partnerships/collaborations that add the most value to the <br />success of the proposed project. In addition to East Chapel Hill Rotary Club, Habitat will work with <br />Southern Energy Management, a Triangle-based B-Corporation, which has donated time and <br />equipment to the pilot Habitat rooftop solar-panel installation. Yes Solar has also expressed <br />interest in helping with labor for 8-10 installations in the future and assisting Habitat and Rotary <br />with procuring equipment at cost. <br /> <br />Social Justice and Racial Equity <br /> <br />14. How many people will directly or indirectly benefit from your project? <br />Please be as specific as possible on the estimated number and characteristics of those who will <br />benefit including, gender, race, age, socio-economic status and geographic location. Please also <br />state for each group whether the benefits will be direct or indirect. Please fill out the tables below <br />as applicable. Habitat proposes to install rooftop solar panels on ten affordable homes over the <br />next two years. The specific homeowners for these homes have not yet been selected. The <br />numbers below represent the average Habitat homeowner household. The average Habitat <br />homeowner earns 45% of the area median income. The average Habitat household has four <br />people. Benefits will be direct for all groups listed below. <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 0E2E518B-BEF7-4AF0-8D07-FCD05F094BD6