Orange County NC Website
P a g e 3 o f 20 <br /> <br />Application reviewers will pay close attention to any objective and authoritative evidence supporting a <br />proposed project. As you complete your application, please describe how your proposed programs align <br />with evidence-based approaches to addressing climate change. <br /> <br />1. Social Justice and Racial Equity (0 to 5pts): <br />Low‐income households have fewer resources to help them avoid or adapt to the impacts of climate <br />change, and communities of color are often most‐heavily impacted by the disruptions of climate change. <br />Both socioeconomic status and racial identity are key factors that will be used to target and track the <br />positive impacts of these programs. It should be noted that socio‐economic status and race should be <br />tracked separately since it should not be assumed that County residents below the poverty line are <br />people of color. <br />Example metrics: <br />• Low‐income or marginalized communities/households were engaged in the creation of this <br />project. <br />• Low‐income or marginalized communities/households benefit most directly. <br />• Racial minorities will be hired and/or are essential to the completion of the project. <br />• Any negative side effects of the project do not impact any low‐income or marginalized <br />communities/households. <br /> <br />2. Emissions reduced (0 to 4 pts): <br />This criterion rewards projects which reduce the most emissions as well as those that reduce emissions <br />within Orange County (e.g.‐ transportation, carbon farming), instead of at a power plant as all of these <br />are outside of the County except for UNC’s co‐gen plant which regularly only powers a portion of the <br />UNC campus. <br />Example metrics: <br />• A significant amount of Greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced within Orange County as a <br />result of this project. <br />• Greenhouse gas emissions reductions are directly attributable to the project. <br /> <br />3. Efficient use of Funds (0 to 4 pts): <br />This criterion measures the relative impact per dollar of investment from the Climate Action Fund, as <br />well as how. Some example metrics include: <br />Example metrics: <br />• Impact per grant dollar. <br />• Generated cost savings over a reasonable payback period. <br />• Acceleration or expansion of existing programs that already show positive impact. <br />• Leveraging other funding sources. <br />• The proposed project positions the applicant for future funding from other sources. <br /> <br />4. Capacity of Applicant (0 to 3 pts): <br />Example metrics: <br />• Applicant has the expertise to complete the project, and shows understanding of what is <br />needed to accomplish the project goals. <br />• Applicant has done similar projects or has collaborators with direct experience in the project <br />field. <br /> <br />5. Local Economic Development (0 to 3 pts): <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 0E2E518B-BEF7-4AF0-8D07-FCD05F094BD6