Agenda - 08-16-2005-9b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-16-2005
Agenda - 08-16-2005-9b
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8/29/2008 5:27:23 PM
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8/29/2008 10:36:19 AM
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2005 S Purchasing - Linked Economic Development & Affordable Housing Foundation INC- Actions Related to Planned Acquisition of Triangle SportsPlex Property
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2005
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received from the LGC staff, County staff anticipate submitting all necessary documentation to <br />the LGC ahead of the Commission's scheduled meeting an November 1, 2005, Approval at <br />that time by the LGC (assuming all other necessary conditions are met) would permit closing on <br />the property later in November 2005. The County's bond counsel has prepared an attached <br />timeline for the LGC approval process. <br />Development Review Process <br />Staff and consultants met with Town of Hillsborough staff in mid-July to discuss the timeline and <br />supporting documentation that will be required for the special use permit (SUP) application the <br />County will submit to the Town for the planned Senior Center expansion to the existing <br />SportsPlex facility, If the BOCC approves the Manager's recommendation outlined above to <br />retain Corley Redfoot Zack (CRZ) to provide design services for the Senior Center expansion, <br />CRZ will develop the necessary documentation for submission to the Town in mid-to late <br />September with the intent of receiving Hillsborough Board of Adjustment (the decision making <br />entity for the SUP) review and consideration at that Board's scheduled meeting in October <br />2005. <br />Audit of SportsPlex Financials <br />The Board has previously discussed the desirability of having audited figures related to <br />SportsPlex operations, At the March 15, 2005 meeting, the Board received a financial analysis <br />from Blackman & Sloop, a local certified public accounting (CPA) firm, but that review did not <br />rise to the level of scrutiny entailed in an audit. The Board instructed staff to pursue an <br />additional engagement with Blackman & Sloop to conduct an audit of the SportsPlex's financial <br />records and condition, to the extent that the current owners are willing to make available all <br />documents and background necessary for the firm to issue an auditor's opinion, The current <br />owners of the SportsPlex facility and operation have not agreed to make the management <br />representations necessary for a CPA firm to produce an audit. Although the agreement <br />between Orange County and R.T, Holdings commits the SportsPlex owners cooperation in an <br />audit performed on behalf of the County, it expressly excludes the required management <br />representations from its cooperation commitment as noted in the attached excerpt from the <br />Purchase Contract. Blackman & Sloop will not, in today's post "Worldcom and Enron <br />environment," perform an audit of R.T, Holdings without these management representations. <br />Blackman & Sloop will, however, perform "agreed-upon procedures" for afee - in the range of <br />$10,000 to $15,000 -and will provide a draft report far the BOCC to review prior to the Board's <br />September 7, 2005 meeting, A draft engagement letter outlining the proposed "agreed upon <br />procedures" is attached, and, in addition, an article from a recent certified public accountant's <br />magazine that discusses "agreed upon procedures" as an alternative to an audit is also <br />attached, <br />Contract for Project Management Services <br />As the Board is aware, ,Jeff Thompson, through the Linked Economic Development Affordable <br />Housing Foundation, Inc. (LEDAHF), has provided strong assistance and facilitation throughout <br />the SportsPlex acquisition and the associated senior center development process. At the <br />County's request, LEDAHF has submitted a project management agreement to continue the <br />work through the construction period, The attached agreement lists the specific areas of <br />involvement, but, in summary, LEDAHF would shepherd the project through all phases from <br />regulatory approval through the certificate of occupancy, including construction supervision.. <br />LEDAHF and county staff are researching the possibility that the project could be delivered by <br />LEDAHF as the Construction Manager at Risk (CM at Risk), which is now available to local <br />governments as a contracting method. As a CM at Risk, LEDAHF would work with the County <br />
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