Orange County NC Website
Aue-1D-O6 12:59pm Frem~~BLACI;MA4N & S100P, CPAS~ P 4 <br />lvfr b4oses Carey, .tr. <br />Board CoYmty Commissioners <br />Orange County <br />F1lYgtist 10, 7005 <br />Page 4 <br />+919968476E t-631 P 95!93 F-427 <br />r' <br />Listzd belevti~ are the agreed upon procedures which t~~iti 17e perfbrmed to evaluate <br />the reasonableness of praperry; plant and equipment, memhership revzrue, program <br />revenues and expenses and the Financial renns of contracts and agreements for the period <br />ended May;~l, 2005 of~..T. Holdings, l.1.<', Df3A TriattgL: SponsPiex. <br />Verify t1Ye existencz of property, plant artd zquipmztrt by i~bnuning from the <br />SporisPlex's management a listing oFthe fixed a.set detail and tracintr significant <br />assets tv the actual ]ovation on the property, Recxiculate the cun•ent depreciation <br />expeusz for significant assets from invoice copies obtained frnrr, the SpartsPlzY's <br />management to zvaluate the proper valuation of asszis. <br />2. Verify the existence and proper valuation of contracts and agreemen?s as of May <br />31, 2005 by obtaining Prom the SportsPle?i's- Ynsutagemcnt copies of all conuac:, <br />agreements, licenses and permits in effect at .May 31, 20fj5. The financiat tenr:s <br />of the agr~ntents [vill be agreed to tP,c financial iYttbrmatien presented by f: T'. <br />Holdings, LL:C. <br />~. Verify the accuracy and proper presa;itation of membershiprers and prepaid <br />memberships by obtaining from the SponsPlcx's managen:en[ a listing of al] <br />membership fees as of May 31, 200 including the; type, cost and effective date ef' <br />rash mznYbership. Recalcuiate the rnetnbzrship revenue and prepaid tnzmberships <br />as of May .il, 2005. Judgrnental:y select merrrbeahips aril trace t•., supporting <br />documentation obtained from the SpottsPla;e's ranaement- Petfurm analytical <br />procedures to verify the reasoti<lbleness of the membership revem:e presented by <br />R T. Holdings, LLC'. <br />4, Verify the reasonableness of progrsnl revenues using dacuntentatian nb[ained <br />from the SpartsPlex's accounting dz?artment and program direcioY,. <br />5. Perform tests of expenses m determine that they uc properly classified and <br />supported by proper documentation as ob*.ained from t}Ye SportsI'lex's <br />management <br />C. Revie~i the basis of the a(]ocation of o~ zrhead expenses among the progratns f~,r <br />reasonableness. <br />