Agenda - 08-16-2005-9b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-16-2005
Agenda - 08-16-2005-9b
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8/29/2008 5:27:23 PM
Creation date
8/29/2008 10:36:19 AM
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Agenda Item
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2005 S Purchasing - Linked Economic Development & Affordable Housing Foundation INC- Actions Related to Planned Acquisition of Triangle SportsPlex Property
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2005
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Auwii-09 07:40am Frem-BLACYM4N d SlAOP, CPA.S, P 4 +910968476F T-6°r P 03/03 F°43 <br />h'Ir. i`4oses Carey, .ir <br />Board County Commissioners <br />Orange i'i,unty /-, <br />August 10, 2005 J~ <br />Pace 2 <br />procedures far Chair purposes.. Qur report will contain a paragraplt indicatist.g that had the <br />perfa:'med additional procedures, other matters might have comp to oust attention that <br />would have been reported to you <br />\Ve plart t'o begin our procedures on approximately <`,ugust 5, 2O1i~ and, unless <br />unforeseeable problems are encountered, the enlagetncnt should be completed by <br />September 1=l, ?005. A draft of the report will he available oy 5epternber 1, 200, <br />provided all infounation necessary to complete the engagcrnent is made available to us in <br />a timely manner.. <br />we estimate thaC our fees for the agreed-upon prc~:xdures as listed in the attached <br />schedtile will range between Slt),t)OO and 4+15,000. fhe fee estimate is based on <br />anticipated cooperation from IZ T. I-Iokiings. L,LC persotme! and the asstunption that <br />unexpected circtunstances will not be encountered during the enga,emenC. If'signifioazit <br />additional titre is necessary ar Orange C'ourty n:quests additional procedures to be <br />perfamred, we will discuss it with you and arrive at a new fee estimate to he included in <br />an addendum to this agre;etnent before we incur the additional costs.. ilur im~aices Tor <br />these gees vv;l! be rendered each month as work progras>as and are pa)'able on <br />presentation- In accord~trtce with our Tirm policies, work may be suspended if your <br />account becoux~s avardua aztd will not be resumed until your account is paid in i'ull if wa <br />alert to terminate uur set~~ices fbr nonpayment, am en;agement will be deemed to have <br />been completed even if we hav'c not completed our report. You will be obligated to <br />rvmpensate us for all time expended and to reimburse us for all out-of-poekct <br />expendi'tutas through the date of tanninativn <br />We appreciate the oppartuttity to assist you and believe this letter accuratel+,• <br />summarizes the significartt terms of our ergagetnert. If you ha:~e any questions, please <br />let us know. If van agree vrith the tarrns of our engagement as dcs~ribed is Cris latter, <br />please sign the enclosed copy and return it to us If the need fbr additional scrvires arises, <br />our agn:entent with you will Hued to he r::vised. tt is eustomar,~ Tor us m cnumt~rate these <br />revisions in an addendum m this letter. if additional specified parties of the repon are <br />added, we will require that they acknowledge: in writing their res;?onsibilit~- for the <br />stfficiency of procedures <br />Vary nuIy yours, <br />BL:~CKMAN ~i. 51.OC)P, CPAs, P A <br />/~ <br />ltobir. H ~lci7uf`he. C:YA <br />
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