Orange County NC Website
"Municipal Corporation" means Orange Rural Fire District, and as a fire protection <br /> district is a municipal corporation organized for a special purpose within the meaning of <br /> N . C . Gen . Stat . § 69 -25 . 4 . <br /> " Project " means the planning, design and construction of an approximately 15 , 525 <br /> gross square foot building, site improvements , and associated parking with anticipated <br /> capacity for approximately (20) twenty parking spaces on the Property with adequate <br /> capacity for the Project . It is anticipated that upon completion of the Project, the Parties <br /> may convert the Property to a condominium form of ownership to be governed by covenants <br /> adopted by mutual Agreement of the Parties . <br /> " Public facilities " means the major capital improvements , including, but not limited <br /> to , transportation, sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage , potable water, educational, parks <br /> and recreational, and health systems and facilities . <br /> " Shared Areas " are areas exclusive to a condominium owner that may be reasonably <br /> offered for use by other Parties according to a mutual agreement . <br /> " ORFD " means the Orange Rural Fire Department . <br /> " Upfit costs " means the cost of interior finishes of space in the building to be <br /> constructed on the Property such as , but not necessarily limited to , floor finishes and carpets , <br /> wall treatments , electric outlets and fixtures , plumbing fixtures , and furnishings . <br /> ARTICLE II <br /> Description of Development Agreement <br /> A . Legal Description; Property Owners. A map and the legal description of the <br /> Property are contained in Exhibit A . <br /> B . Permitted Uses. The uses permitted on the Property, including population <br /> densities and building types , intensities , placement on the Site and design, are <br /> controlled by the applicable zoning designation to the Property under the Town' s <br /> Land Use Ordinance ( "L UO " ) . <br /> C . Public Facilities. The following public facilities will service the development : <br /> 1 . Off-Site Infrastructure : The Property is served by public water and sanitary <br /> sewer (Town of Hillsborough) . The Property is also served by public roads <br /> under NCDOT jurisdiction and Town jurisdiction, and by storm water <br /> services administered by the Town . <br /> 2 . On Site Infrastructure : ORFD and the County shall cooperate with respect <br /> to the design of the Facilities , including the planning and development of <br /> any onsite infrastructure necessary for the construction, use and operation <br /> 4 <br />