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During the Town of Chapel Hill approval process last spring, the Chapel <br />Hill Tpwn Council requested that the CHCCS Board of Eduration include <br />a full-size community gymnasium insleatl of the multipuryose mom. <br />Estimated costs associa[etl with this upgratle are S]50,000. <br />July 2001 -The CHCCS Boats of Education approvetl the concept of <br />includlnq the gym in the tlesign plans providing that the District and the <br />Town mold agree on how to compensate CHCCB for the additional <br />Cona[NCIIOn CnaI9. <br />September 2A, 2001 -During the Joint meeting pf the Rvo school boards <br />antl the Commissioners, CHGC$ staff presentetl revisetl plans for <br />Elementary #9 that included the gymnasium. At that time, the Town end <br />BoaN of Education had not agreed on the spedfcs of how Chapel Hill <br />would compensate the dieMct for the gymnasium cos[. One proposal <br />includetl the Town re-insisting its financial support of school resource <br />offiwre and offering the disfdct a joint-use agreement for the proposed <br />Npmes$atl Center aquatic center. antler that particular plan, the Town <br />would have scheduled atltlitional time for the district's high school swim <br />teams. <br />After reviewing the plans, the Commissioners asketl the CHCCS BcaM of <br />Etlumtlon to request full funding of the gym construction met from the <br />Town of Chapel Hill in lieu of accepting the proposal of tletlicatetl swim <br />time. Slnce that time, the Town Council has egreetl to reimburse the <br />disMct In three annual installments of $250,000, <br />November 6, 2001 -Voters approvetl the November 2001 band <br />referendum that included funds for consimction of Elementary k9 <br />November 26, 2001 -The Town of Chapel Hill approvetl a Special Use <br />Permit for Elementary #g. <br />Nezt Steps <br />Attachments 3 antl 4 of [his abshacl offer a site plan antl a project <br />schedule for the school, At this point, the tlis[nd requests that the <br />Commissioners appropriate $235,000 of recently approvetl bond funds to <br />rover three protect components -construction bitldinq, pre-gratling of the <br />site antl project contingency (see Attachment 1). <br />The final step of Oe Planning Phase of this protect is the bidtling process. <br />The tlisMCt is in [he process of finalizing the builtling spechicetions antl <br />protlucing construction documents required in the bitltling process. The <br />finished plans and spacifceiions provide the level of apedcity required <br />by contractors to develop mnsVUCtion bid estimates. They become part <br />