Orange County Approved BOA Minutes 21 01 11
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Orange County Board of Adjustment
Orange County Approved BOA Minutes 21 01 11
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Last modified
11/1/2021 1:54:59 PM
Creation date
11/1/2021 1:43:46 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Approved 8/9/2021 <br /> 1 Ms. Ferguson said she was not only present this evening to offer expert testimony but as a neighboring property owner <br /> 2 and had lived in the area most of her life. She indicated it was her personal opinion this would be a great addition to the <br /> 3 community. <br /> 4 <br /> 5 Ms. Ferguson reminded the Board they were presented with a fiscal impact assessment this evening. Within that <br /> 6 document, there were seven neighborhoods analyzed denoting residential dwellings near various parks with existing <br /> 7 athletic fields and other similar infrastructure. Property values near these parks did not decrease and, in fact, increased <br /> 8 in certain circumstances. Ms. Ferguson reminded the Board these parks had far more extensive amenities, including <br /> 9 outdoor athletic field lights, where this project would not. Ms. Ferguson indicated the assessment, and professional <br /> 10 opinion, is that the proposed recreational facility will not have an adverse impact on local property values. <br /> 11 <br /> 12 Ms. Ferguson informed the Board an adjacent parcel, owned by Mr. Robert Maitland (property is north of the subject <br /> 13 parcel across Old Greensboro Road) has increased in value since the development of the cricket fields in 2015. Ms. <br /> 14 Ferguson informed the Board there is an existing self-storage commercial land use approximately 800 ft. west of Holly <br /> 15 Creek Road, which has been there for over 40 years, that also has not had an impact on adjacent property values she <br /> 16 has been able to detect. There are several diverse land uses, including: <br /> 17 • Farms with event venues, <br /> 18 • Single-family residences, <br /> 19 • Commercial operations, <br /> 20 • Horse facilities, <br /> 21 in the area near the Patil property and it was her professional opinion there will be no impact to property values as the <br /> 22 result of the proposed recreational facility. Ms. Ferguson said the area is diverse it is development and residential <br /> 23 make-up. She believed the proposed cricket field be a welcome addition to the neighborhood. Ms. Ferguson <br /> 24 concluded by offering additional examples of parcels sold on Holly Creek Lane, after 2015, that did not see a reduction <br /> 25 in value due to the development of cricket fields. <br /> 26 <br /> 27 Chair Meyers asked if there were any questions for Ms. Ferguson. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 Mrs. Weidner raised his hand. Chair Meyers asked her to come forward. <br /> 30 <br /> 31 Mrs. Weider identified herself as being a realtor, and that she had known Ms. Ferguson for years, and asked if she lived <br /> 32 1,000 ft. from the proposed recreational facility. Ms. Ferguson said her property is within 1,000 ft. but her residence is <br /> 33 farther. <br /> 34 <br /> 35 Mr. Nordwall raised his hand. Chair Meyers asked him to come forward. <br /> 36 <br /> 37 Mr. Nordwall asked Ms. Ferguson about the parks she analyzed expressing concern that surrounding residents to <br /> 38 several of these parks did not have to drive through the park property to get to their residences. Mr. Nordwall asked <br /> 39 how this were comparable to Holly Creek Lane where local residents had to drive past the proposed recreational facility <br /> 40 all the time to get to their residences. Mr. Nordwall made the statement that houses will typically see an increase in <br /> 41 value due to the nature of the real estate market and that the analysis provided had no real bearing on the question if <br /> 42 the proposed recreation facility will have a negative impact on residences off Holly Creek Lane. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 Ms. Ferguson said Mr. Nordwall was right that residents did not necessarily have to drive through the parks she <br /> 45 analyzed to get to their houses, but the important issue was that there was a park with recreational amenities near the <br /> 46 analyzed residences and there was not a reduction in property value. In most instances, residences were much closer <br /> 47 to the park than those residences off Holly Creek Lane. Ms. Ferguson agreed with Mr. Nordwall that it is the nature of <br /> 48 real estate for property to appreciate in value but that the issue for the Board to address was will this land use cause <br /> 49 adjacent parcels to depreciate in value. Ms. Ferguson said the facts she has presented on local property sales since <br /> 15 <br />
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