Orange County Approved BOA Minutes 21 01 11
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Orange County Board of Adjustment
Orange County Approved BOA Minutes 21 01 11
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Last modified
11/1/2021 1:54:59 PM
Creation date
11/1/2021 1:43:46 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Approved 8/9/2021 <br /> 1 material and the remaining being overflow parking on a grassy area off Old Greensboro Highway and west of the <br /> 2 improved parking area (Mr. Hess denoted the area on the site plan). Mr. Hess indicated cricket would not be played in <br /> 3 the rain so there would be no cars on-site when it was raining. Chair Meyers asked about the additional parking and if it <br /> 4 would fit in the area denoted on the site plan. Mr. Hess indicated it would fit in the designated area and he respectfully <br /> 5 disagreed with Mr. Weider's assessment of the site plan. Mr. Hess said his client made a conscious decision not to <br /> 6 pave all the parking to avoid further grading and impervious area on the property. Mr. Hess said the paved parking was <br /> 7 approximately 190 ft. from the edge of an adjacent parcel separating the property with the shallow well from the <br /> 8 applicant's property (Mr. Bradley Dent's property). This adjacent property was approximately 60 ft. in width meaning <br /> 9 the edge of the parking lot (paved portion of the parking lot) was approximately 20 ft. from the shallow well. Grassed <br /> 10 parking is approximately 80 ft. from the adjacent property and therefore approximately 140 ft. from the shallow well (Mr. <br /> 11 Hess denoted the areas on the site plan). Mr. Weidner concluded by indicating he was very concerned about potential <br /> 12 damage to pedestrians and vehicles traveling along Holly Creek Lane from errant hit cricket balls. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 Mr. Nordwall raised his hand. Chair Meyers asked him to come forward. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 Mr. Nordwall indicated this was also his first time seeing this site plan and was disappointed the applicant had not made <br /> 17 it available prior to tonight's meeting. He said the application indicates there will be 40 to 50 cars onsite (inaudible <br /> 18 discussion) and he was confused with the testimony he had heard this evening. Mr. Mufuka said the anticipated <br /> 19 number of cars, as noted in the application, was an estimate based on past performance and that the site plan is <br /> 20 consistent with applicable County regulations. Cars would be limited due to the availability of improved parking and <br /> 21 grass overflow area. Mr. Harvey informed the Board that page 70 of the agenda packet (Attachment 1) provides the <br /> 22 number of cars anticipated and number of anticipated parking spaces necessary. <br /> 23 <br /> 24 Mr. Nordwall said he was concerned about the grass overflow parking as fluids could leach into the ground and impact <br /> 25 adjacent property owners. Specifically, if there is a game and a practice occurring at the same time, how many cars <br /> 26 would be parked on the property was what he was trying to understand. Mr. Mufuka said the line of questioning is <br /> 27 typically reserved for the Board to ask applicants and was concerned a local property owner, who was not within 1,000 <br /> 28 ft. of the parcel, was asking questions on a matter without identifying how the issue created `special damages' on his <br /> 29 parcel. Mr. Mufuka renewed his objection to Mr. Nordwall having standing. With respect to the parking, Mr. Mufuka <br /> 30 reminded the Board events are held in a sporadic nature on weekends and certain weeknights during daytime hours <br /> 31 only. The proposed parking facilities complied with the County UDO. Mr. Mufuka did not anticipate full capacity use of <br /> 32 the recreational facility all the time and did not believe there would be an issue. Chair Meyers asked Mr. Harvey to <br /> 33 clarify if the County regulated overflow to which Mr. Harvey said overflow parking is not required and, therefore, not <br /> 34 regulated. He went on to say he could not compel the overflow parking to be improved (paved with an all-weather <br /> 35 service) as it was not specifically required to be constructed as part of the proposed recreational facility. Mr. Harvey <br /> 36 indicated he required the spaces required to serve the project to be improved consistent with Section 6.9 of the UDO. <br /> 37 Mr. Harvey reminded the Board a condition could be imposed to require overflow parking to be denoted with <br /> 38 landscaping (establishing a boundary). That was up to the Board to discuss with the applicant. <br /> 39 <br /> 40 (Unintelligible) <br /> 41 <br /> 42 Chair Meyers asked Mr. Mufuka to continue. Mr. Mufuka said he felt compelled to respond to concerns over struck <br /> 43 cricket balls being a danger to pedestrians or motorists. Mr. Mufuka reminded the Board of Mr. Hess' testimony where <br /> 44 he indicated the proposed hedgerow serves not only as a visual buffer but also as a means of preventing equipment <br /> 45 from leaving the established playing fields. The fields are approximately 150 ft. from adjacent property lines and <br /> 46 roadways. An errant ball will not travel that far. <br /> 47 <br /> 48 Mr. Mufuka asked Ms. Ferguson to come forward and present her testimony. Ms. Ferguson summarized her <br /> 49 credentials as detailed in Attachment 1. <br /> 50 <br /> 14 <br />
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