Orange County Approved BOA Minutes 21 01 11
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Orange County Board of Adjustment
Orange County Approved BOA Minutes 21 01 11
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Last modified
11/1/2021 1:54:59 PM
Creation date
11/1/2021 1:43:46 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Approved 8/9/2021 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 Mr. Hess indicated the fields were developed in 2015 or 2016 and his client had been working to address compliance <br /> 3 with County land use regulations since. The primary issues his client required to be addressed with this project was <br /> 4 ensuring compliance with the special use permit requirements, that vehicular access was from a State maintained road, <br /> 5 required landscaping was installed in accordance with Section 6.8 of the UDO, required parking had was improved, and <br /> 6 land disturbance was minimized to protect the rural character of the area. (Mr. Hess pulled up the site plan on the main <br /> 7 screen so the Board could see the document) As you will note the site plan was designed to ensure the project <br /> 8 generated minimal environmental impacts and maintain the rural character of the area. Mr. Hess said the applicant <br /> 9 took full advantage of previously approved and permitted land disturbance activities to ensure there was no major <br /> 10 grading activities on the property as part of this project. The fields already exist and, as you will note, they are <br /> 11 approximately in the center of the property. You have already heard testimony, and the site plan clearly indicates there <br /> 12 are no amenities or facilities developed as part of the proposed recreational facility. This includes bleachers, <br /> 13 clubhouses, changing facilities, outdoor lighting, scoreboard, and so on. We have tried to limit to the total amount of <br /> 14 parking along Old Greensboro to reduce the overall need to grade the property in an attempt to eliminate to the greatest <br /> 15 extent practical stormwater impacts to Holly Creek lane and adjoining lots. As indicated required parking, specifically <br /> 16 the 21 spaces required by local land use regulations, improved with an all-weather surface. The overflow parking will <br /> 17 be natural. The proposed porta-johns will be located here (Mr. Hess identified the location of the site plan) and will be <br /> 18 screened. Our objective is to make this development as low impact as possible. <br /> 19 <br /> 20 (Mr. Hess continued to review the site plan with the Board and identified the proposed landscaping area consistent with <br /> 21 Section 6.8 of the UDO). <br /> 22 <br /> 23 Mr. Hess indicated the project had preliminary approval from NC Department of Transportation (DOT) for the proposed <br /> 24 driveway location. <br /> 25 <br /> 26 Mr. Hess said there had been concerns over the type and classification of foliage proposed for planting. He indicated <br /> 27 all trees would be native species and drought tolerant consistent with applicable standards. The hedge material is also <br /> 28 important to ensure equipment(i.e. struck balls) do not go off the property onto adjacent property or the roadway. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Mr. Hess asked if there were any questions. Chair Meyers asked if the proposed plantings are dense enough to stop <br /> 31 errant balls from going off the property. Mr. Hess indicated he believed it would be. Mr. Scott asked about the <br /> 32 preliminary approval from DOT. Mr. Hess indicated DOT staff had approved the site distance of the proposed driveway <br /> 33 from Holly Creek Lane and indicated the layout and design complied with applicable standards. Mr. Hess said his client <br /> 34 was still obligated to get construction authorization for the driveway, which will not be granted until there was an <br /> 35 approved site plan or in this case an approved special use permit. Mr. Harvey reminded the Board that beginning on <br /> 36 page 157 of the agenda packet was an email chain from Mr. DeAngelo Jones and DOT related to the review of the <br /> 37 driveway location. <br /> 38 <br /> 39 Mr. Weider raised his hand. Chair Meyers asked him to come forward. <br /> 40 <br /> 41 Mr. Weidner said his question was for Mr. Hess and indicated this is the first time he and his wife had seen this version <br /> 42 of the plan. The application submittal contains, from his standpoint, a lot of contradictory information including a <br /> 43 breakdown of proposed parking. The original information on the application submittal and site plan indicated there <br /> 44 could be a maximum of 70 cars on the property and Mr. Hess appeared to testify there would only be about 47 total <br /> 45 cars. Mr. Weidner said the topography of the site does not lend itself to supporting 70 cars. He indicated his question <br /> 46 was where exactly was the parking going to go and how many cars it was designed for. Mr. Weidner also indicated the <br /> 47 site plan contains what appears to be erroneous measurements and distances of the proposed parking area from <br /> 48 adjacent property. (Chair Meyers summarized the questions). Mr. Weidner reminded the Board of the concerns of a <br /> 49 neighboring property owner on potential contamination of his shallow well. Mr. Hess said the 71 parking space number <br /> 50 was incorrect and the site plan references approximately 47 spaces with 21 improved using an all-weather surface <br /> 13 <br />
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