Orange County Approved BOA Minutes 21 01 11
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Orange County Board of Adjustment
Orange County Approved BOA Minutes 21 01 11
Entry Properties
Last modified
11/1/2021 1:54:59 PM
Creation date
11/1/2021 1:43:46 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Approved 8/9/2021 <br /> 1 Mr. Harvey provided the Board with the page numbers of, and summarized the information contained within, the <br /> 2 attachment(s) associated with case A-4-20. <br /> 3 <br /> 4 Mr. Harvey pulled up and summarized the site plan denoting proposed athletic field location, parking including primary <br /> 5 and overflow, the drive off old Greensboro Road, required landscaped areas, etc. Mr. Harvey provided a summary of <br /> 6 staff comments from Attachment 4 of the agenda packet. <br /> 7 <br /> 8 Mr. Harvey asked the abstract package and attachments be entered into the record of these proceedings. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 Vice-chair Halkiotis asked what page the findings of fact for the case began. Mr. Harvey indicated the information, <br /> 11 contained within Attachment 5, began on page 167. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 MOTION made by Vice-chair Susan Halkiotis enter the materials into the record, seconded by Mr. Qandil. <br /> 14 VOTE: Unanimous. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 Mr. Harvey indicated staff had received an email from a local property owner, Mr. Robert Maitland, expressing support <br /> 17 for the project. Mr. Maitland, who is also an attorney, could not attend the meeting. Chair Meyers acknowledged the <br /> 18 email. <br /> 19 <br /> 20 Chair Meyers asked if there were any questions for Mr. Harvey. <br /> 21 <br /> 22 Chair Meyers asked Mr. Mufuka to present the applicant's request. <br /> 23 <br /> 24 Mr. Mufuka thanked the Board and summarized the applicant's special use permit application (reading statement into <br /> 25 the record): <br /> 26 <br /> 27 Mr. and Mrs. Vishwanath Patil and Vintha Cardoza are the owners of the property and the applicant for the special use <br /> 28 permit. This proposal does not represent a money making proposition or an activity representing the owners sole <br /> 29 source of income. Both individuals are employed in different fields. This project represents their passion to encourage <br /> 30 and promote the playing of cricket. The use of this property will only be for cricket matches. No other recreation <br /> 31 activities will occur. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Cricket playing will occur in a matter that is safe, efficient, and does not disturb adjacent parcels. Cricket is a game <br /> 34 played between two teams of 11 players in each team and shares similarities with softball in that it is played with a bat, <br /> 35 and a ball. The bulk of the activity is focused around a 22 x 3 yards strip called the "Pitch"which is located at the center <br /> 36 of the field(Mr. Mufuka referred to the site plan). The bowler and batsman are positioned at opposite ends of this pitch. <br /> 37 Each end also has three target stumps the bowler must hit and the batsman must defend from such a hit. The game is <br /> 38 refereed by two neutral umpires that ensure that it is played in the true Spirit of Cricket and within the rules of the sport. <br /> 39 (Mr. Mufuka referred to the site plan from Attachment 1) <br /> 40 <br /> 41 There are no more than 15 people on the field at any given time, including the referees, batsmen and fielders. In local <br /> 42 play elsewhere, no more than five spectators, if at all, are usually present. We mean to match local standards of good <br /> 43 match play. <br /> 44 <br /> 45 Duration of the game varies from four to eight hours depending on the format of the game. Games will be played only <br /> 46 during weekends (Saturday and Sunday). Practice is typically held once a week or none in the evening for two to three <br /> 47 hours. No more than 40 cars per game day (Saturday and Sunday only). In case of a practice, the number of cars will <br /> 48 be less than 10. Players are all responsible individuals known in this local community educated consisting of <br /> 49 professionals working in the companies and universities in the Triangle area. Weather permitting, games are played <br /> 11 <br />
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