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Approved 0810912021 <br /> 1 Mrs. Weidner read a statement into the record documenting her standing with respect to Case A-4-20. This statement <br /> 2 summarized the previously submitted standing application provided to the Board and applicant. <br /> 3 Mrs. Weidner indicated she and her husband own property near the subject parcel, specifically 1001 Holly Creek Lane. <br /> 4 They believe the request is inconsistent with the rural nature of the area and will have a negative impact on the value of <br /> 5 their property, will cause security concerns, and will create public safety issues as the result of increased traffic. Mrs. <br /> 6 Weidner indicated she was not comfortable with allowing the proposed land use to develop near them given the <br /> 7 potential secondary impacts it would generate in a rural area of Orange County. <br /> 8 <br /> 9 Mr. Weidner thanked the Board for being allowed to speak and indicated he and his wife made the chose to purchase <br /> 10 their property based on its Rural Buffer (RB) general use zoning designation, which indicated it was only appropriate for <br /> 11 rural development activities. Mr. Weidner indicated he and his wife may not have bought their parcel had they known a <br /> 12 commercial land use could be developed near them. The main roadway, Holly Creek Lane, is a private gravel road and <br /> 13 cannot handle the intensive nature of the proposed recreational land use. Mr. Weidner indicated he had spoken to <br /> 14 several realtors who informed him there would be a significant impact with respect to the value of their residence if the <br /> 15 cricket field were developed as proposed. <br /> 16 <br /> 17 Chair Meyers reminded the parties the purpose of this evening's meeting was to establish standing and not get into <br /> 18 argument(s) over potential impacts. Such arguments would be handled at the January 2021 regular meeting. Mr. <br /> 19 Weidner expressed concern that Mr. Patil does not live in the area and allows a cricket league to operate from the <br /> 20 property. Mr. Weidner indicated they have been complaining about the operation of the league for at least 3 years and <br /> 21 are very concerned about the development of the recreation facility as Mr. Patil will not be leaving near the proposed <br /> 22 cricket fields. Mr. Weidner indicated information provided by Mr. Patil indicating he lives near the cricket field is <br /> 23 erroneous. <br /> 24 <br /> 25 MOTION made by Vice-chair Halkiotis finding that Mr. and Mrs. William and Leslie Weidner were the owners of property <br /> 26 near the proposed cricket field, had provided information on potential impacts to property value resulting in the <br /> 27 development of the facility, and had standing to comment on the proposed special use permit, seconded by Mr. Qandil. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 Mr. Mufuka asked to be recognized. Mr. Mufuka argued Mr. and Mrs. William and Leslie Weidner application of <br /> 30 standing indicating their application indicated they were speaking for themselves as well as surrounding property <br /> 31 owners. Mr. Mufuka objected to the assertion the Weidner's represented a group of local residents, which there was no <br /> 32 evidence supporting this claim. They could not make arguments indicating they represented other property owners who <br /> 33 had not provided documentation asserting standing. Further, Mr. Mufuka indicated the special damages they were <br /> 34 alleging were not supported by experts and did not allege specific harms. There was no substantiation of the purposed <br /> 35 special damages and his client objected to the presentation of documents alleging same. <br /> 36 <br /> 37 There was general discussion amongst the Board members on the determination of standing with Mr. Bryan. <br /> 38 <br /> 39 Chair Meyers called the question reminding the Board there was a motion and second on granting Mr. and Mrs. <br /> 40 Weidner standing. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 Mr. Weidner indicated they would have 4 witnesses and asked if one of their witnesses would be allowed to submit an <br /> 43 affidavit offering testimony. Mr. Bryan indicated anyone intending to offer evidence should be available to attend the <br /> 44 hearing and be subject to cross examination. Mr. Bryan indicated staff cannot make legal determinations or offer <br /> 45 advice to a party. Mr. Bryan indicated the Board's responsibility was to weigh evidence and give it due consideration as <br /> 46 practically possible. The Board could accept hearsay evidence but that he would always recommend parties be <br /> 47 present, be sworn, and offer testimony in person. <br /> 48 <br /> 49 VOTE: Unanimous. <br /> 50 <br /> 9 <br />