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Approved 0810912021 <br /> 1 Chair Meyers indicated the Weidner's were found to have standing on Case A-4-20. <br /> 2 <br /> 3 Chair Meyers asked if there was a Bradley Dent in the meeting room. Mr. Dent identified himself and approached the <br /> 4 podium. Ms. Cheek swore in Mr. Dent. <br /> 5 <br /> 6 Mr. Dent indicated he was a resident of 2600 Old Greensboro Highway near the proposed cricket field. Chair Meyers <br /> 7 summarized the cadence of tonight's meeting. Mr. Dent indicated he was here to document for the Board where his <br /> 8 property was and discuss his concerns over potential impacts to his well. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 Mr. Dent indicated his parcel was approximately 100 ft. west of Mr. Patil's property with access off Old Greensboro <br /> 11 Road. Mr. Dent showed his parcel on a map. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 Mr. Dent indicated his concern was over the parking lot, which is closer than 700 ft. from his property as denoted on the <br /> 14 survey contained within the application. Mr. Dent indicated he is concerned over runoff impacting his existing shallow <br /> 15 well, specifically from oils/leaking fuel impacting his well. The proposed overflow, grass, parking area is very close to <br /> 16 his property and shallow well. Mr. Dent indicated he had no issues with the use of the property for cricket, and was not <br /> 17 there to argue against the development of cricket fields on the property, but wanted the opportunity to express the <br /> 18 concern the proposed overflow grass parking location does represent a concern due to potential environmental impacts <br /> 19 to the existing well. Mr. Dent also believes the survey submitted by Mr. Patil improperly denotes the distance of the <br /> 20 overflow parking area from his well and should be corrected. Mr. Dent did indicate he was somewhat concerned about <br /> 21 lights from vehicles shining into his house, but was more concerned over potential well impacts. <br /> 22 <br /> 23 Chair Meyers thanked Mr. Dent and asked if there were any questions. There were general clarifying questions about <br /> 24 the distance of the residence. <br /> 25 <br /> 26 Mr. Scott asked Mr. Harvey if there were regulations governing the development of overflow parking. Mr. Harvey <br /> 27 indicated that as the parking was not required, the UDO did not give him authority to compel the parking to be improved <br /> 28 in any way. Mr. Harvey suggested the Board could have a conversation with the applicant over this concern at an <br /> 29 appropriate time. Mr. Qandil asked if the State were going to be required to review this project or if the UDO required <br /> 30 an environmental impact review of the proposed cricket field. Mr. Harvey indicated there would not be sufficient land <br /> 31 disturbing activity to require an environmental assessment as detailed in Section 6.16 of the UDO and that the State did <br /> 32 not have jurisdiction over the development proposal. The applicant will have to comply with applicable Erosion Control <br /> 33 and Stormwater permitting requirements based on proposed land disturbance. Mr. Harvey reminded the Board this was <br /> 34 not only a requirement of the UDO, but was also an applicant recommended condition of approval. <br /> 35 <br /> 36 MOTION made by Vice-chair Halkiotis finding that Mr. Dent was the owner of property near the proposed recreation <br /> 37 facility and had standing to comment on the special use permit, seconded by Mr. Qandil. <br /> 38 VOTE: Unanimous. <br /> 39 <br /> 40 Chair Meyers asked if anyone else was requesting a determination on standing. There were none. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 Chair Meyers asked for a motion to adjourn Case A-4-20 to the January 11, 2021 regular meeting. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 MOTION made by Vice-chair Halkiotis adjourning the public hearing for Case A-4-20 to January 11, 2021 in order to <br /> 45 conduct the evidentiary component of the hearing, seconded by Mr. Scott. <br /> 46 VOTE: Unanimous. <br /> 47 <br /> 48 Chair Meyers asked if there was any other business before the Board. There was none. Chair Meyers summarized <br /> 49 work being completed by Mr. Bryan updating and revising the Board's rules of procedure. Mr. Bryan indicating this <br /> 50 would be addressed at future meetings and that the update would incorporate anticipated changes in State law <br /> 10 <br />