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ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />RESOLUTION COMMENDING THE HILLSBOROUGH TOWN CLOCK <br />RESTORATION COMMITTEE AND OTHERS FOR THEIR EFFORTS IN <br />RESTORING THE HISTORICAL COURTHOUSE CLOCK AND THE CLOCK <br />TOWER <br />WHERAS, a few years ago, the 181h century town clock, believed to have been a royal gift in <br />1769 and located in the historic Orange County Courthouse, stopped working, thereby <br />presenting the Town of Hillsborough with a great challenge; and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County s plans to perform rehabilitation work on the Courthouse clock <br />tower provided the necessary impetus to undertake a clock restoration project; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town of Hillsborough, the Hillsborough Town Clock Restoration Committee, <br />Orange County, and various citizens and private businesses worked to together to raise funds <br />for the clack project, and those that were asked to help responded with great enthusiasm and <br />generosity; and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County completed a full rehabilitation of the tower and its cupola, and the <br />clock, following its restoration, has been returned to the courthouse cupola; and <br />WHEREAS, this effort has been one of the most successful collaborations involving the Town, <br />the County, local corporations, foundations, and private citizens; and <br />WHEREAS, in appreciation to the County, the Town, and major donors for their heartwarming <br />and enthusiastic generosity, it has been proposed that a bronze plaque recognizing significant <br />contributions to the clock restoration effort be installed in the lobby of the Old Courthouse; <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we, the Orange County Board of Commissioners, <br />do hereby express our appreciation to and commend the Hillsborough Town Clock Restoration <br />Committee and others for their efforts and commitment of time and financial resources in <br />restoring the historical courthouse clock and the clock tower; <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we authorize County staff to coordinate with Court officials <br />and the Clock Committee to find a suitable location for the placement of a bronze plaque such <br />that all visitors to the Historic Courthouse may also celebrate this impressive accomplishment. <br />This the first day of December, 2003. <br />Margaret W. Brown, Chair <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />