Orange County NC Website
5 <br />Be it resolved by the Board of Commissicners of Oange County that the <br />Rules as amentled herein (shown with underlining) shall govern iha operaficn of <br />the Orange County Sewer Collection antl Treatment System serving [he Efland <br />area of Orange County [hereinafter calletl the system;' 'the System" or <br />"System"7. <br />L CLASSIFICATION OF SERVICE <br />II. WASTEWATER TREATMENT LIMITATIONS <br />III. RATE SCHEDULE AND AVAILABILITY FEES <br />IV. APPLICATION FOR SERVICE <br />V. DEPOSIT <br />VL' INITIAL OR MINIMUM CHARGE <br />A. There will be a separate account eatabliahad for each sewer <br />conriectlon [o the system. Each such acmunt will be in Re name of the user. <br />The minimum monthly charge es pmvidad in the rate schedule will be made for <br />each account for any monthly usage up to Me minimum 3,000 gallons. <br />6. In those cases where the connection is to properly which <br />receives its water by well, the minimum monthly charge will be that ealablishad in <br />the rate schedule unless water consumption exceetls the minimum wn[ainetl in <br />[he rate schedule. The County reserves the right to meter the well of any user [o <br />determine that usals water usage. <br />