Orange County NC Website
DRAFT -HABITAT CONTRACT <br />12130/2001 <br />APPENDIX "C" <br />ATTACH PERPETUAL MAINTENANCE COSTIFEE CALCULATIONS <br />FOR WASTEATER PUMPINGILIFT STATIONS <br />The Perpetual Maintenance CostslFees far the Wastewater PumpinglLiR Station(s) <br />serving the Project shall be calculated by the Engineer of Recard forthe Project antl <br />submided to and approved Mthe County Englneer. The Engineer of Recortl will <br />provitle as attachments all referencessources of pricing antl calculations. The <br />following criteria shall be used in the dalWldtlons: <br />1. The Perpetual Maintenance Fae shell be tleterminetl by the following present worth <br />calculation: <br />P=AOM (P/A, I, inflnity)or <br />Present Worth (Pemelual Maintenance Feej =Annusl Operating antl Maintenance <br />Coats x the present worth factor given annual cost at 4 % interest for iMnity. <br />The 4 percent interest is der'rvetl by subtracting 2% annual inflation from a 8 <br />deposit interest <br />The infinity teem is to be usetl in Ne tlefennination of the P/A fador unless it can be <br />reasonably tlemons[reted cr projected that the pumpinglliR elation can or will be <br />replacetl by gravity sewer within a shorter fime pedotl. <br />2. Annuallaetl mst charges(foreftoNable housing protects as specified in ArUCIe VL C. <br />of the EFlantl sewer system rules of operation) shall be calculated using [he <br />maintenance, utility antl equipment replacement costs outlinetl in sections 3-8 below <br />and may be atllusted or amentled pedotlically [o reflect actual servica experience. <br />3. Except ae notetl below, assume that the maximum life of all electrical antllor <br />mechanical mmponenm In the pumping/liR station is 20 years. <br />a. Assume pump seal replacement at 4 year intervals for each pump <br />b. Assume W mp impeller replacement et ]year intervals for dachpump <br />c. Assume pump motor rewintls at 10 year intervals for each pump <br />tl. Aaeume transfer switch replacements at 15 year intervals <br />e. Assume autodialer replacement at6 year intervals <br />4. Assume total annual power vests fo be based on $ 0.12 per kwh. <br />