Orange County NC Website
FINANCIAL IMPACT: The precise antl cumulative Flnancial impact of the amendment antl <br />contrect is tliRwlt to specify with any degree of eccurecy. Depending on its size antl capacity, <br />[he incremental operational costs for pumping station in terms of regular maintenance, repairs, <br />electricity, antl cepdel replacement can range in excess of $600 per month. Failure to establish <br />a perpetual maintenance funtl for a new pumping station, either by an upfront payment or a <br />monthly auroherge. will csuse these costa to be spread across the system's customer base. As <br />noted above, I[ Is proposetl [hat a pemetual maintenance funtl for the Richmond Hills pump <br />station be funtletl by means of a monthly surcharge on the utility bills of Richmond Hills <br />resitlents in the range that is wrrently prolectetl at $16 to $2g per month per household. <br />The motlRetl process to funtl perpetual maintenance wultl poteMielly generate en <br />unanticlpatetl fnenciel impact, should signltlcen[ operating expenditures (major equipment <br />failure of replacement, for example) be requiretl before such expenditures can be funded <br />through the monthly billing methotl. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board approve end auNodze <br />me Manager antl eppropdate staff to sign ee necessary me following <br />1) the amendment to the EOand Sewer RUles, <br />2) iha Richmond Hills sewer extension conhac[ which inrludea the funtling of [he <br />Richmond Hills pump atatlon perpetual maintenance funtl through a monthly surcharge <br />on individual customers, and <br />3) iha amendment to the Richmond Hills Subdivision Resolution of Approval. <br />