Orange County NC Website
DRAFT -HABITAT CONTRACT <br />1213012001 <br />Develcpers consulting engineer [e Feld verify intormatlon an existing <br />equipment. <br />PERMANENT EASEMENTS shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide for a single <br />utility pipeline where such easemen6 are located entirely outside of public <br />road righisof-way, Where easements abut public rpatl rights-of-way they <br />shall be of aufflclent width that in Ne opinion of the County Engineer there is <br />suficient room for the maintenanw of fhe sewer line. <br />Far multiple Imes, an easement shall provitle a minimum of 10 fee[ clearance <br />on eiNer sitle of each pipe. <br />Where permanent easements cross Neuse River Besin required buffers, such <br />easements shall be a maximum of ten (10) fee[ in witl[h. <br />