Orange County NC Website
DRAFT -HABITAT CONTRACT <br />tzrsorzoot <br />Grinder pumps shall only be approved when conditions preclude other <br />selections. <br />Liquid level controls shall consist of four mercury float switches: low level <br />alarm, normal low level stop-all pumps, pump 1 on, pump 2 on and high level <br />steno. <br />The irdedmr wet well invert and wall and the bottom of the top slab shall be <br />maletl for corrosion profectlon. Coetlng shell conels[ of two coats of heavy <br />bodied coal tar coaling, each mat with minimum thickness of 12 mils tlry Olm. <br />All guitle mils, fasteners, and miscellaneous metals inside the wet well shall <br />be stainless steel. Access ladders shall ba aluminum or stainless steel. Piping <br />Inside the wetwell shall be Flanged ductile iron or eteinleas steel. Wet well <br />vent shall be flanged tluc[Ile iron pipe or schedule 80 galvanizetl steel with a <br />sweanetl outsitle entl. A yartl hytlmn[ cgnneUetl to potable water shall be <br />insfalletl a[ [he pump ataflon ails, unless approved othemiae. <br />Gored holes with rubber boots shall be requiretl for where pipes are insemetl. <br />Access hatches shall be hingetl entl lockable, with stainless steel or <br />aluminum frame, entl'/." thick aluminum tliamontl plate tloor(s). All haMware <br />entl hinges shall be slalnless steel. <br />A etalnleea steel portable jib crone entl hoist shall be provitletl with a <br />minimum capacity of 500 pounds or 125%of the pump weight, whichever is' <br />greater. Provisions for mounting and use of the crone entl hoist shall be <br />provitletl et the pump station. <br />All new pump sgtions shall have permanent on-she standby power with auto <br />transfer switch end auto dialer/SCADA telemetry equipment installed. <br />Generator shall be sized to operate both pumps simultanmusly and to start <br />the lag pump whilethe lead is opemling. <br />Pump station a@ea shell indude chain link fencing (8 feet high, topped with 3 <br />slmntls of barbetl wire). Altemete fencing materiels may be requiretl basetl <br />on individual site conditions. <br />Patllocks shall be provltletl for the gate, electrical panels, entl access <br />hatch(es) and shall be keyetl to the Counfys apeclflcatlon. <br />All electrical and mechanical equipment, including pumps, valves, generators, <br />eu[oEielers, float swdches, switch gear, etc., shall, as far as ie practicable, be <br />of the same brands, rootlets, mns[mction, etc., as similar equipment in <br />existing system pumpingllift s[atlons. It shall be the reeponaibility of the <br />