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DRAFT -HABITAT CONTRACT ~~ <br />1v3o12007 <br />APPENDIX"B" <br />STANDARD SPEGIFIGATIONS <br />GRAVITY SEWER PIPING shall be Ductile Iran Pipe (DIP) Class 50 cement <br />moiler lined interior/asphallic wetad exterior. or SDR 35 PVC. <br />SEWER FORCE MAIN PIPING shall be DIP Class 50 or Class 200 PVC. <br />ALL PIPING BURIED 18' DEEP OR DEEPER SHgLL BE DIP <br />PIPE BEDDING shall be as recommended by the manufacturer, wim stone <br />betltling requiretl for PVG gravity sewer pipe. <br />OETELTABLE MARKING TAPE shell be required on ell non-metallic sewer <br />pipelines, except sanitary sewer mains where manholes will be expossd a[ <br />both entls of the pipe segment Detectable metallic masking tape shall be <br />Empire ThorTec or equal. The tape shall bear the pdnletl itlentRCetion <br />"Caution Sewer Line Below",antl shall be 2 Inches or greater in wltlth. <br />PRESSURE TESTING PIPE <br />All gravity sewer aM farce mains shall be pressure tested to 50 pas above <br />system pressure (AW WA C600). <br />SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES AND AIRNACUUM VALVE MANHOLES <br />Manholes shall be precast concrete, 48' minimum diameter, and shall have 4' <br />minimum wall thickness and 8" minimum Floor slab thickness, having separate <br />base slab or base section with integrel floor. Top section shall be eccentric <br />wne unless otherwise specified and approved. Gaskets between rings shall <br />meet A6TM 0443. Steps shall be provided for manholes deeperthal80". <br />Manhole rings and covare shall be heavy tlury service tluctile iron, AST A536, <br />coetetl on the insitle for mansion protection, z" to 9' by 24' user with 26' <br />tllame[er cover with "Sanitary Sewer'cast in. Manhole rover insects with <br />gaskets antl hantlle to prevent stormwater inflow shell be provided. Manhole <br />shall be ballasted as required to prevent flotation. Cored holes wRh ribber <br />boots shall be requiretl for manholes where pipes are inserted. All new <br />manholes shall be vacuum tested to 10. 8" Hg, wdh less than 1" loss <br />acceptable at 1 minute. <br />SEWAGE PUMP STATIONS shall be duplex submersible style, unless <br />approved otherwise. Motors shall be minimum of 2 5 hp, and must be 1 3 <br />phase, 60 Hz Pumps shall be non-clog cenMfugal pumps, unless approvetl <br />otherwise. Pumps shall be capable of passing a 3" tliemMer object end [rash <br />or sMngy material that can be passetl through a 4" diameter piping system. <br />