Orange County NC Website
DRAFT HABITAT CONTRACT <br />1213012001 <br />APPENDIX "A" <br />NAME OF PROJECT <br />The Project shall consist of Phases having a tMal of (Single Family, <br />Multi-family, Apar[ment)residential units antllor acres of (Commerolal, IntlusMel, <br />tnstitWOnal) Non-raeidentiel Development. The availability fees tlue for each. Phase <br />may vary since the prevailing ate at the time fees are paid will be herged_ Tha <br />Developer shall pay all Phase I availabildy fees based on acreage or per lot calculations <br />prior to recortling the foal plat for Phaae 1. Phasel availability fees due to the Town of <br />Hillsborough or those calculaletl on the basis of house size, type or Residential <br />Equivalency Units (REU's, 1 REU = 360 gptl) ehall be paltl prior ro being laauetl a <br />builtling peimil for each unit of Phase I. <br />The Developer shall pay all Phase II availability feaa based on acreage or per Icl <br />calculations prior to recoMin9 the final plat for Phase ll. Phase ll availability fees tluero <br />the Town of Hillsborough or those calculated on the basis of house size, type or <br />Reaitlantial Equivalency Units pdorto being Issued a builtling permit for each unit of <br />Phase II. <br />The Developer shall pay subsequent Phase avallablllry fees based on acreage or per lot <br />calculations prior to recortling Ne foal plat for that Phase. Phase availability fees tlue <br />to the Town of Hillsborough or [hose calculatatl on [he basis of house size, type or <br />Residential Equivalency Units prior to being Issued a building permit for each and of that <br />Phase. <br />Phase I shell consist of-residential units, and/or_ecres of Nan-residential <br />development <br />Phaae II shall consist cf_ residential ands, antllor_acres of Non-resitlerdial <br />tlevelopmani. <br />Phase III shall consist of realdentlel units, and/or acres of Non-resitlential <br />tlevelopmani <br />Phase lV Shall consist of realdengal unRS, antllor acres of NOn-resitlentisl <br />tlevelopment. <br />