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be pall from the interest generated by the Initial. payment The sewer a#eneion contract fiself <br />contains the methotlology by which operating antl maintenance costs are to be calculated and <br />the anwunt of the up-front payment is to be determined. <br />The proposed mod cations to the roles of operation also provitle far a matl~ed process for <br />creating a perpetual maintenance fund where the County participates In affoMable housing <br />projects (Section VLCj. Spec'rfically, Ne BOCC may elect to allow the funtl to be createtl antl <br />maintained by means of a special charge added b the monthly utility bill of those customers <br />who will beserved by a particular pump station in lieu of the °up front" charge on the subdivision <br />tleveloper. Thie suroharge woultl be applied in peryetuity or until the pumping etatlon multl be <br />abandoned. Habitat has requested that the pepetual maintenance funtl kr the Richmond Hills <br />pump station be funded by means of a monthly aumharge on the utility bills of Richmond Hille <br />residents. That cast Is wrrenHy projec[etl to bein the range of $15 to $20 per month per <br />househoM. <br />Richmontl Hills Sewer Ezlenslon Contract <br />In reviewing sewer service requests for two proposetl developments (Richmogtl Hills antl <br />Ashwick), the BOCC has provided broad guidelines [o the stall in leans of the informaticn it <br />neetls [o make tledsions antl Me oker in which [he informa0en shoultl be provMetl or <br />presented. AccoMingly, stall has tlevelopetl asewereMensbn cornmafor Richmontl Hills that <br />etltlresses or tlelinwtes: 1) general conlromual financial, legal antl liability responsibilities and <br />concerns; antl 2) minimum wnstroctlon antl matedgls specifications antl requirements. <br />Resolution of Approval <br />The Richmond Hills Subdivision received preliminary appreval at the August 15, 2000 BOCC <br />mwfing. On May 1, 2001, the BOCC epprwed en amendment to the phase lines within the <br />subtlivision. <br />This request ie to modify condition N 4 pertaining to the perpetual meintenanw fund needed la <br />funtl ongoing operation of the sewer pump station, landewping, antl fencing. <br />The fund will be treated conaiatant wiM tha'Eflend Sewer Rules' dowment. This allows for the <br />funtl to be esrablishetl through an additional monthly chage within the rata echadulae for those <br />housing protects consistent with the Orange County Lang Tenn AffortlabilRy Policy. <br />Future Consltlera[lona <br />To tlate, the BOCC has noY tliscussetl or appmvetl a comprehensive policy that apecifes the <br />procedure by which the sewer system is extended by third parties to serve more then a eingle <br />business or residenw. That is. the County does not have a formal procetlure by which <br />tlevelopers request that they be allowed to extentl the sewer serviw (or otherwise avail a <br />proposetl tlevelopment of sewer service) from the Efland sewer system <br />Eventually, the County will neetl to atlopt a generic contact form similar that that proposed br <br />the Richmond Hills project. This contreG shoultl contain, in atltli6en to [he provisions er the <br />Richmond Hills contract: 1) a formal review and approval sequence that tracks very closely whh <br />the subdivision and development review and approval sequence; antl 2) an appentlix eeIXion <br />tletliwtad solely to an Inventory of all excepfions or motlifiwtionsbthe contract as appmvetl <br />by the eOCC faro spacife protect. This will allow the BOCC antl staffroe~sily track such <br />changes, evaluate any precedents therein, and ao font. <br />