Orange County NC Website
DRAF7 -HABITAT CONTRACT I' <br />12/30/2(101 <br />j) The Contractor shall secure Performanw and Payment Bantl(s), payable tc <br />the Developer andlor Orange County, from a Surety authorizetl b wrhe such <br />bonde in North Carolina for the full ws[ of the work to be pedormetl in antl <br />for the Project wveretl by this Agreement/ contract. This BOnd(s)shall be in <br />effect for the duretion of Mis Project and theone-year warranty Pedod - as <br />tlescribed In A. 3. above antl 0.1. tl) belew- afierthe Project is acceptetl. <br />2. The Developer shall bear the total wsl of sewer wnstroction within the Project <br />antl the total cost of sewer constmcfion required b errand service to the Project. <br />D. Pas[-Cons[mct'on Reau're ente~ <br />Before the County will permit use of the EFland sewer system to serve [he Project, the <br />Developer shall: <br />L Famish the County two hard copies, one of which is reprotlucible, antl one <br />electronic CAD file of the rewN drewings, together with: <br />a) affidevRS hom the Contractor antl the Professional Engineer of recoM that <br />the drewings acarately represent the as-built improvements, end <br />b) a cedif¢ate of wmpletion antl substantial compliance, executed by the <br />Professienal Engineer of rewM, intlicating that the Project has been <br />completed and thatwork has been pedortned in substantial compliance with <br />the approvetl plans and specifintions <br />c) a Werrenry from a viable Surety in the name of the Orange wanly tar a <br />periotl of 1 yearfrom the date of a~pfan® (one year from detlication for <br />non-mechanical components, one year from the time that the system <br />bewmes operational at a minimum of twenty-five percent of ita design <br />capachy for pumping stations antl equipment and force main air/vacuum <br />valves. <br />d) a Con[rectors Affidavit and Release of Liens from all subcontrectore and <br />matedalmen. <br />e)all owners, operation antl maintenance manuals, espies of approved shop <br />tlrawings, material certifications, spare parts, pump curve wrtifcaliona, etc.. <br />associatetl with the equipment antl materal instelletl in wnlunction with this <br />sewer extension project. <br />2. Convey to [he County and recoN or cause to have rewrtletl in [he Orenge Co <br />Registry ell tleetls of easement and plats showing all sewer easements requiretl <br />to servelhe Project, <br />