Orange County NC Website
DRAFT - HA6ITAT CONTRACT <br />12/302001 <br />ccnstmction staff will provide constroction progress updates to County <br />Engineer every 10 tlays to 2 weeks, arwhen a significant sewer cens[mction <br />event is approaching. <br />g) The GpntraptOf shall haveafieltl superintentlent posits atoll times tluring <br />COnstNCIIOR <br />h) The COMmctor shall pumhese from en insurance mmpany authorized to <br />write csauelTy Insurance in the State of North Carolina, naming the County <br />as anatlditional insured, the kllowin9limits of insurance <br />1) Wokers Comoensa[bn Insurence-Workers Compensation insurance as <br />required by law for all of the Contractors employees. The Contractor shall <br />alsorequire his subcoMreGOrs to provide Workers Compensa[lon for all <br />cf the IatteYS employees, unless the CoMragor afiortls protegion to such <br />employees, <br />2) Gomprehens've General L'ab'I'N Insurance -Comprehensive Generel <br />Liability Insurance shall be carried in the following amounts: One Million <br />Dollare ($1,000,000) bodily inlury each person, One Million Dollars <br />($1,000,000)property tlamage. ComprehensNe Generel Liability <br />Insurance shall inclutle Premises and Operations Liability, Intlepentlent <br />Con[rectors Liability, ConVectuel LiabilRy antl Completed Operations <br />Liability, antl will also centain a provision kr "u'. (underground) hazaM <br />liahiliy. <br />3)AUtomob'le Liability Insurance-Automobile Liability Insurance shall be <br />erzied in the following limits: One Million Dallers ($1,0(10,000) badlly injury <br />each pereon, One MIIIion Oollere ($1,000,000) badlly InJury each accident, <br />One Million Dollars ($1,000,009) property liability. Automobile Liahlllty <br />Insurance shall rover liability arising out of the use of owned, nonawnetl <br />antl hiretl motor vehicles. <br />4) All Builder's Risk Insurance -All Builtlers Risk Insurence will have the <br />same limits of coverage as that required above for the Contrector. <br />i) The Contrrector shall not commence work sll the insurance roquiretl herein <br />has been obtained. Insurance shall be maintained in PoII force antl effect <br />until Me Contrect hee been fully antl completely peROnnetl, as evitlenced by <br />the Engineer o{ Record's cedification of wmpletlon and subatenfial <br />compliance. Contrecor shall prbvitle Certificate of Insurance reflecting <br />aforementionetl ruveregea ae proof of coverege. Cadifcete of lnsurence <br />shall provitle for a thirty (30) tlay written notice to [he County in [he even[ of <br />any motlifmations, cancellation, or expiration of said policies. Language that <br />limits the 30 tlay notice to the County in any way is not acceptable. <br />